Businessman Doodnath Steve Sirju, who was burnt beyond recognition when his car crashed in Beetham, early Monday morning, was given a grand send-off with a street procession at his Tarouba home yesterday. With chutney music blaring, mourners, including Ramleela characters, followed the casket bearing his body through the streets. The casket was also placed on a concrete slab on the corner of the street where he frequently hung out with friends.
The 34-year-old father of two was dressed in the gorilla costume which he wore when partaking in Ramleela celebrations. A photo of him was placed on top of the casket. In paying tribute to him, Pastor Paul Bobcombe of the Indian Walk Open Bible Church said Sirju’s death was so unexpected that many would have questions. He did not have the answers but advised, “The love of God is strong.” He encouraged mourners to make their mark in life just as Sirju did.
His niece Rachel Toolsie said he was her strength. “You were more than my uncle, you were my daddy.” His wife Sharlene recalled that she met Sirju when she was 17 and it was love at first sight. He always put his family first, she said in her remarks which were read by a relative. His body was cremated at the Shore of Peace, Mosquito Creek. Sirju, a director at Dhanesar Sirju and Sons Ltd, was driving along the Beetham Highway around 3.20 am Monday when he fell asleep, police believe.
The car ran off the road, hit a tree and burst into flames. An autopsy revealed that he died before his body was engulfed in flames.