Leader of the Congress of the People (COP) Prakash Ramadhar says all participants in Monday’s Chaguanas West by-election must uphold the highest standards of conduct and adhere to democratic norms. Ramadhar said his party has observed several developments on and off the platforms of political parties that have raised widespread concern about the political conduct in this election. Ramadhar said some of the concerns were:
• A litany of allegations against ministers and other officeholders without substantial evidence in support
• Overt character assassination, including threats to disclose confidential personal records
• Offensive and distasteful divisive ethnic and religious language on platforms and in the media
Ramadhar said on Thursday night “a most distasteful confrontation occurred in light of what appeared as an attempt to disrupt the preparations of one of the contesting parties for the holding of its public meeting.” The Legal Affairs Minister said the COP “condemns any attempt to interfere with the rights of any party, candidate or voter participating in this election.”
He said it was “most unfortunate that large sections of the population have become disgruntled at what are seen as low standards to which some of the conduct has descended.” He repeated his party’s call for respect for all in the campaign.
“We urge all participants to ensure that their conduct in this election up to the declaration of the results and beyond is of a standard of which our entire society can continue to be justly proud as a society which respects the rights of every citizen and guards its democratic tradition steadfastly,” Ramadhar said. Electors from Chaguanas West will go to polling stations from 6 am on Monday to choose a new MP, as the incumbent, Jack Warner, resigned in April.