Police public information officer Sgt Wayne Mystar says there will be a strong police presence today at two major events in Port-of-Spain. Mystar was speaking at yesterday’s police weekly media briefing at the Police Administration Building, Port-of-Spain. The events are the demonstration by the labour movement and the Tri-Nation Series cricket match between the West Indies and India at Queen’s Park Oval. “Once it has a march, we will have extra members of the Guard and Emergency Branch and sections of the Police Service to ensure peace is preserved. “Several roads will be blocked to facilitate the march and the public will be advised and guided accordingly,” he said.
Even with the shortage of some 1,500 police officers, Mystar said there would be enough to patrol the areas. “It is only for a short period of time and we will pull resources from different areas for strength and there will also be joint army patrols.” On another issue, Mystar urged parents to provide adequate supervision for their children during the school vacation. He said children should also be aware of predators operating on social networks. Mystar said parents should know the parents of their children’s friends and keep in constant communication.