Government will bear the cost of spectacles for primary school students with refracted lens problems up to a maximum of $1,500 in a Vision Screening initiative, Health Minister Fuad Khan said on Thursday. He was speaking at the post-Cabinet press conference at the Office of the Prime Minister, St Clair. Khan said Cabinet had approved the plan.
A T&T national eye survey also found that a significant number of children suffered from eye sight problems in the school population. The World Health Organisation has estimated uncorrected refracted errors was the cause of severe visual impairment problems globally with 19 million affected, he said. Khan said since 2011, the Ministry, through regional health authorities, provided vision screening for students and children who failed the tests were referred to health and public eye clinics and other facilities.
He said based on data from 2012, some 2,397 students would be recommended for eye glasses for the 2014- 2015 term. Khan said the Ministry had responded by providing financial help to students who qualifyied for glasses. He said parents would have to obtain a form and submit information before being allowed to choose an optical provider for students’ glasses. A child’s birth certificate will be needed for processing.
The Ministry will provide $1,500 to cover costs for students. This applies every two years if the prescription changes. If the spectacles cost more, parents will have to meet the costs, or choose another provider or cheaper glasses.
More cancer care
Cabinet has also increased the number of patients to attend the two cancer treatment centres—Brian Lara Centre and Southern Medical Cancer Treatment Centre—from 500 at each centre to 1,000 each, the minister said. Cabinet also approved the Clinical Assessment committee for Cancer Treatment.