Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday saluted father figures, single fathers and all those fathers who make sacrifices so their children can have food, shelter and clothing.
In her Father’s Day address, the PM said her heart goes out to those who do not known the love of a father or even the presence of a father.
“Fatherhood means being there for your children and having that special privilege to be the one to teach them, by word and example, the positive values of life that will help them become better human beings and outstanding citizens,” Persad-Bissessar said.
“I also know that where fathers are absent there are father figures who take on that role and care for others just as if they were his own. I want to recognise these courageous, caring, and loving ‘fathers’ for their outpouring of love and commitment, for stepping up and making the lives of many of our nation’s sons and daughters more meaningful, to bring them hope and, most of all, to bring them love.”
Father’s Day, the PM said, provides an opportunity for fathers to engage in deep reflection on their role and responsibilities in order to identify shortcomings and rededicate themselves to family life.
“To be a real father means taking your responsibilities seriously and always doing the best that you can do for your children.”