A civil engineer attached to the Tobago House of Assembly’s Division of Infrastructure, Quarries and the Environment (DIQE) and his family are now living in fear, after his car was fire-bombed and his life threatened last week.
The threats are believed to be work-related.
Kevon Trestrail was at home with his family at Pleasant Prospect around 8.45 pm, when two men were seen breaking the window and pouring liquid all over his 2009 Suzuki Grand Vitara, valued at $77,000, which was parked in the driveway. The vehicle was then set on fire.
Moments later, however, he received an unsettling call which has since put his entire family on edge, wondering what would happen next.
The family’s home was also broken into one week prior to the incident, but they are unsure if both incidents are related.
In an exclusive interview with Guardian Media, a relative of Trestrail suggested the fire-bombing of the vehicle may have been done by a disgruntled contractor who did work for the DIQE, since they received a call immediately after the vehicle was lit.
“Immediately we started to call 211, the Fire Service, but as I was making the phone calls, I got off the phone, they said they were going to send somebody, a phone call came in around 8.59 from an unknown number and the person said, ‘Listen, if you don’t stop blocking bills from being paid, within the next two weeks things are going to get worse’.
“He (Kevon) started to explain that he was not the one who pay bills, but the person didn’t listen and insisted that they knew he was the one hampering the payment process,” the relative said.
“The call lasted about a minute and 37 seconds and then the person hung up.”
The incident was reported to the Old Grange Police Station and the matter is being investigated.
Trestrail explained, however, that he could not understand the reason for the attack and subsequent threat.
He said he is responsible for the certification of bills, all of which he forwards to the Office of the Administrator for payment. He stressed that he has no control over payment, as disbursements occur in the administrator’s office and accounts section.
The visibly distraught relative said the incident has been emotionally taxing for the entire family and with the two-week threat deadline approaching, it has become harder to keep calm.
“I keep counting down the days because having your vehicle burnt right in front of your home, that’s a serious threat, so I’m worried. I’m not really sleeping, I’m taking medication to sleep, I am trying to be normal, but it’s hard,” the relative said.
“I mean the person gave us two weeks and if in two weeks’ time nothing happens, we don’t know what is going to take place.”
Earlier this year, several contractors attached to the same division protested outside Works’ main office calling for all outstanding monies to be paid. To date, some of them are yet to receive their funds even as their staff and overheads continue to accrue.
Both the Secretary of the Division Kwesi Des Vignes and Administrator Joan Hannibal-Phillips are aware of the incident.
However, the relative said they believe the matter is not being taken seriously and is calling for a statement to be made to urge individuals not to intimidate employees.
“I haven’t heard anybody say they are going to try and sort out contractors and try and pay bills. I haven’t heard any public statement, like saying you can’t target public servants to try and get money, I mean to say this is very scary,” the relative said.
The relative is also asking for the family to be given counselling and for security measures to be put in place to protect the with the deadline approaching.
Contacted for a comment on the incident, Des Vignes said he was aware of the issue and described the occurrence as disturbing. He said the Trestrail family will be given the necessary assistance they require.
“Any threat to life or property of any one of the staff, not only my division, but the Tobago House of Assembly on a whole, it is not something that you will like to hear about, so it is particularly upsetting and I actually spoke to the Administrator to ensure that the Employee Assistance Programme that we activate, whatever resources that we can assist Mr Trestrail,” Des Vignes said.