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Carmona wants bright youth to vote at 16They know alot more now

Saturday, September 23, 2017



President Anthony Carmona believes 16-year-olds who are better informed and display greater critical analysis should be given the right to vote at elections.

He made the comment at the second annual T&T Youth Convention, where he delivered remarks to hundreds of secondary school students and teenagers at UWI Sports and Physical Education Centre in St Augustine.

Urging the youth to make positive changes in their lives and to give a lifting hand to people in need, Carmona admitted intelligence has been failing us miserably.

Since his inauguration in 2013, he said he has been an advocate for the youth and recommended to prime ministers at Caribbean forums “that what is needed in the Caribbean region was a youth Parliament that meets every six months, where the young people elected or appointed can articulate their solutions to problems that we face.”

Today’s generation, Carmona said, was better informed and display greater critical analysis.

“And that is why I am a strong advocate, because I have seen it worked in other countries where young people would be given the right to vote at elections at the age of 16.”

He said 40 years ago the majority of those who were 16-year-olds were nice people, but generally knew nothing, nor did they have technology at their disposal.

“Look at the maturity displayed by 16-year-olds in Scotland, who were asked to determine whether the entire population ought to remain in United Kingdom. And when they did the analysis of the 16-year-old vote and why they voted... and they voted in favour of remaining in Scotland. Their vote was analysed as being more critical, more profound and deeper than adults.”

Carmona said if 16-year-olds were given the vote on Brexit, it would not have resulted in grandparents and great parents determining the future of this younger generation.

The President also lashed out at social media bloggers who have been destroying the lives of innocent people.

“You see, I don’t want you all to be keyboard gangsters. I don’t want you to get up every morning, saying like some of the adults in this country who am I going to trash this morning? Who am I going to make life miserable for this morning? Who am I going to bad talk this morning?”

He said there are many people in T&T who obtain BSc, PhDs and Masters but would never be able to get a job in a foreign university because of the social media footprint. Likewise, he said Trinbagonians will never be able to work at companies home because of social media’s negativity.

Though social media is a wonderful form of expression, Carmona said one should not use it to de-power people.

There are several countries where the voting age is currently 16, among them Austria, Brazil, Malta and Scotland.

Hurricane relief initiative

Saturday, September 23, 2017


Education Minister Anthony Garcia yesterday confirmed that Fatima College principal Father Gregory Augustine has opened their doors to students of hurricane-ravaged countries such as Antigua and Barbuda and Dominica.

The news came one day after Garcia, himself a former Fatima principal, said the nation’s school will be made available for students whose schools were destroyed with the passage of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

“We are still working out the dynamics of that arrangement. However, I have been in contact with several principals. In fact, very early this morning the principal of Fatima College, Father Gregory Augustine, called me and he told me that he has pledged his support of Fatima College,” Garcia said shortly after delivering greetings at the second annual T&T Youth Convention.

Garcia said Augustine also promised that schools that fall under the jurisdiction of the Holy Ghost Fathers, St Mary’s College, St Anthony College and Fatima College, will be opening its doors for those students.”

Describing this move as a step in the right direction, Garcia was unable to say how many students Augustine could accommodate, but gave the assurance that “many persons who are in need, they will try to fulfil those needs in terms of providing an education to those students.”

Yesterday, Garcia held a meeting with his permanent secretaries, chief education officer and other directors in going forward with these plans.

Garcia said he had been trying to reach Dominica’s education minister since Thursday but communication had been a problem.

“At this point we don’t have an exact number. In fact, I need to get in contact the minister of education in Dominica to liaise with him so we can decide how we will deal with this. It is important for us to do things the proper way.”

In his brief address to students at the convention, Garcia said while T&T has been spared the wrath of Irma and Maria, we should consider it our responsibility to help those who are most vulnerable.

“I have been told that a number of schools are engaged in a venture to assist our brothers and sisters of Dominica and Barbuda. I implore you to take part in that,” Garcia pleaded with the students.

Businessman says company assets tied up...urges Digicel to be patient

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Businessman Sheldon Stephen is assuring telecommunications giant Digicel that they will be paid all outstanding monies owed to them.

However, he is urging them to be patient as Lollabee Cellular Ltd is seeking to dissolve the joint ownership arrangement.

Confirming Lollabee Cellular Ltd had been ordered to pay Digicel $8,965,305.14 in August, Stephen stressed it was a company-to-company transaction which remained in abeyance.

Co-owned by Stephen and Abdool Azimullah who remained unreachable yesterday, Stephen said the two were currently before the court with respect to divvying up their assets as they had moved to dissolve the business partnership.

He said Digicel was aware of the matter that had developed last year, following which legal proceedings were initiated.

Responding to media reports which claimed the company had failed to remit the full sum of monies collected during December 2016 to March 2017 to Digicel, Stephen said the company's assets continued to be "tied up" as the matter is being sorted out.

In the default judgement delivered on August 7, the High Court ordered Lollabee Cellular Ltd to pay the money for, "Debt, interest and costs to the date of this judgement together with interest at the statutory rate of five percent per annum after the date of this judgment to the date of payment."

In a statement, Digicel's chief executive officer CEO John Delves said, "At no point in time, since the judgement was handed down by the court has Mr. Stephen, his attorneys or principals of Lollabee made contact to settle the TT $ 9 million owed to Digicel. His statement in the daily newspapers is therefore erroneous."

Stephen countered he was in contact with Delves daily, adding the principal parties were aware of the ongoing court action which had prevented him and Azimullah from moving to settle the dispute.

Urging Digicel to exercise restraint, Stephen said, "My partner and I no longer see eye-to-eye and will be parting ways. Digicel got caught up in the situation as it was a company-to-company transaction."

"I cannot assist them until I know what is going on with my matter as the assets of Lollabee Cellular Ltd remains tied up. Nothing can happen until that is sorted out but they will be paid."

Responding immediately,, Delves said, "The judgement against Lollabee Cellular Ltd. has nothing to to with the assets of the company. It is monies that were collected from Digicel customers and held in trust."

He said the monies were faithfully paid by the public and was supposed to be forwarded to Digicel, and should have been kept separate and apart from income collected from other transactions.

Social media rages with xenophobia

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Following Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s proposal for T&T to open its doors to citizens of Dominica in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, there was a lot of racist, political and xenophobic remarks on social media from citizens who disagreed with the idea.

Some of the comments included:

•Well we already have an influx of Chinese, Guyanese, Nigerians and deportees coming in. Just saying.

•We all know Rowley bringing them here to vote PNM but Trinidad importing food many people don’t have jobs or homes. What you think will happen????? Is more crime.

•Sadly we have become quite a selfish, self-centred society. We will not lend a hand to our physical neighbour much less our Caribbean neighbour. I pray God change our hearts of stone.

•Sweep your doorstep before you sweep somebody’s else. Trinidad is so over crowded already. Where are you putting all the people coming? There goes the mountains.

•Maybe it’s time for us to start back discussions about a united Caribbean.

•Trinidad can’t get housing but he want to bring outsides and give them accommodations. Take care of your people first.

•South America already crossing the border illegally, now bring Commonwealth legally for 6mths...Come on!! And open yuh pots too! Is this a leader or follower?? What a Joke!!

•Rowley can’t take care of the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago but he opening doors to other people. He is stupid.

•Could we go and set up business in China, India, Dominica, Guyana, Venezuela...No...so what are we encouraging here for...no wonder so much people seeing trouble...

•I hope the other countries would say the same things about Trinis going to their countries. Trinis are the most racial and meanest people in the world.

•A lot of you guys forgot that your families were “islanders” before. Some of you also are bigots and racist this is your small minded thinking? Sad

•Is more crime in the country when they come here. Employment down. What they will do to survive? The easiest way is to kidnap people steal people cars, rob people, thief and kill people... It is a form of employment here in sweet T&T. Lord put ah hand•The people in TNT getting more frighten now...within this 6 months the whole of Dominica will reach in TnT...

•This is not Europe and America. This is Little Trinidad. Fix your people as a country before you extend your kind courtesy.

Televised talks on T&T’s financial state

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Business and labour leaders are evaluating Government’s plan for their sectors to assist next Wednesday with solutions to the country’s financial circumstances.

However, Opposition frontliner Devant Maharaj believes the event is a farce.

On Thursday, Government said the all day televised event, to be staged by the Office of the Prime Minister, will educate the public on the financial circumstances facing the country. Stuart Young, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, said business, labour and academic leaders will be invited to give input on solutions.

“The Office of the Prime Minister will lead a conversation live on TV on September 27 from 9 am to 3 pm on the issue, which will give a contextual outlay of what’s happening in Trinidad and Tobago,” he said.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley said the exercise was intended to make the public aware of “what we’re dealing with and what the options are.”

It takes place five days before presentation of the 2018 Budget on October 2.

Young said detailed presentations would be made by Finance Minister Colm Imbert on the situation T&T was facing.

“We’re inviting business leaders, labour leaders academics and from other sectors to present ideas and solutions. We hope they accept the invitation to come before Trinidad and Tobago and present this,” he said.

Rowley said the event had a cost but he could not say how much.

Natuc president Michael Annisette said he had received a call from Government on the initiative and was evaluating it. Some business groups were looking into it yesterday and others, including academics, were checking for invitations.

But UNC ‘s Devant Maharaj said the event was “nothing short of political mamaguy. This is to distract attention from the continuing ferry fiasco and the fake oil scandals.”

He asked: “Isn’t the Finance Minister’s Budget address presumed to treat with financial circumstances facing T&T? As a former public servant and a minister I know that at this stage, days before delivery, the Budget is almost, if not already cast in concrete.

“Budget documents have been already printed and some agencies already have an idea of allocation, so this last minute consultation is a farce. If guests suggested truly innovative ideas, would Government rework the Budget? This is simply to have excuses made to prepare Trinidad and Tobago for yet another budget of taxation measures.”

Technician to stand trial for sexual touching

Saturday, September 23, 2017

A Princes Town technician allegedly found with two naked schoolgirls in his car in May 2016 has been ordered to stand trial on charges of sexual touching and kidnapping.

Senior Magistrate Rajendra Rambachan presiding in the Princes Town Magistrates’ Court ruled that a prima facie case had been made against Reeshie Surajbally, 40, and dismissed a no case submission by defence attorney senior counsel Pamela Elder.

Section 21 of the Children’s Act states that where a person causes or incites a child to engage in an activity which is sexual under Section 18 or 19, that person commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction, to a fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for ten years, or on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for 25 years.

However, two charges of giving alcohol to the girls, ages nine and 14, were dismissed as the magistrate said he was not satisfied that it was covered by Section 36 of the Children’s Act which states that a person who gives or causes to be given to a child, a dangerous drug or a substance having an effect similar to that of a dangerous drug, except upon the order of a medical practitioner, commits an offence and is liable to any penalty prescribed by law. Rambachan said he was unsure whether beer has the same effect as a dangerous drug.

Surujbally, a married father of two, was allowed to continue on his $300,000 bail with the condition that he stay away from the girls and their family, and report to the Chaguanas Police Station once a month. Based on his attendance during the case, Rambachan ordered that his passport be returned to him.

Assault suspect critical at hospital

Saturday, September 23, 2017

A 12-year-old girl San Fernando school girl and her 32-year-old mother, who were stabbed by a male relative on Wednesday, remain in serious condition at the San Fernando General Hospital. However, their alleged assailant, a 35-year-old father of three who drank a poisonous substance after the incident, took a turn for the worse yesterday.

Investigators say they have not been able to get statements from either the victims or suspect.

If the suspect, a PH taxi driver, recovers and is discharged from the hospital, he is expected to be charged with attempted murder by Ste Madeleine police and several counts of sexual assault by the Child Protection Unit.

It is alleged that last April the father of three called the girl into a room and promised to buy her items and take her places. He then sexually assaulted her. After that, the suspect is reported to have sexually molested the girl on several occasions.

On September 13 the girl told her mother about the incidents and the woman made a report to the police.

Around 12.30 am on Wednesday, the suspect allegedly used a pitchfork to pry open the door of the victims home and attacked the mother and daughter before running into some bushes. Villagers found him around noon, but as they brought him out to the road, he collapsed and was taken to hospital by police.

Three ORTT winners this year

Sunday, September 24, 2017

A former acting prime minister, a Calypso queen and the doctor who diagnosed the first case of AIDS in the English-speaking Caribbean have this year been awarded the country's highest award.

The Office of the President last night announced that Dr Lenny Saith, Professor Courtenay Bartholomew and Mc Cartha Lewis better known as Calypso Rose will this year be awarded the Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (ORTT). No one won the award last year.

However only one of the three winners is expected to be at today's ceremony to collect their award in person.

Bartholomew, 85, is credited as being an icon in science because of his work including pioneering research on HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean. Speaking to the Guardian on Sunday last night, Bartholomew said while he is grateful for the award he feels as though he does not deserve it.

"I don't think I deserve it but I am honoured to be recognised for my work. It is humbling," he said.

Following an accident eight weeks ago and a subsequent hip operation Bartholomew has been restricted to bed rest, so his daughter Maria will collect the award on his behalf.

Bartholomew won this country's second highest award, the Chaconia Gold Medal, in 1975.

In that same year Lewis, 77, won her first national award, the Public Service Medal of Merit Silver. Fifteen years later in 2000, Lewis won the Hummingbird Medal Gold.

This year she will win the highest award the nation can offer.

Lewis, 77, however is not expected to be at the ceremony to collect her award today as she is currently in New York recording a new album.

This year has been a successful one for Rose who copped World Album of the Year at the Victoire de la Musique award ceremony in France in February. That award is considered the French equivalent of a Grammy award. In July, Caribbean Airlines (CAL) named a Boeing 737 aircraft in Rose’s honour.

Saith is expected to be present to collect the ORTT today.

An engineer by profession, Saith is listed as having entered this country's Parliament as a temporary Opposition senator between January 1987 and September 1990. In 1992 he then became a Government Senator with the People's National Movement (PNM) when he held the portfolio of Minister of Planning and Development and Leader of Government Business in the Senate. He also held the portfolios of Minister of Public Administration and Information, and later was given the additional portfolio of Minister of Energy and Energy Industries.

In November 2007 he was appointed Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister and is known to have acted as prime minister in Patrick Manning's absence.

Speaking to the Guardian on Sunday, Saith said he felt honoured to receive the ORTT.

"I feel very honoured. What it means to me is recognition of my contribution and I am pleased that the country has seen it fit to award it," Saith said.

The three ORTT winners are among 40 people to receive national awards this year.

Dr Lenny Saith

Garcia: Students doing well

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Education Minister Anthony Garcia says the decision last February to remove 24 students from the secondary school system after reports of violence and behavioural issues among the group waa this one.

This week, the Guardian obtained a report on the progress of 20 of the 24 students, from the Chaguanas North Secondary School who were removed from classes. It indicated that four of the students never returned to the programme while four immediately returned to school after the ministry determined their infractions were minor.

At the time the school had reported fights and threats to teachers. Police officers had entered the compound after reports of a planned gun attack which never materialised.

Armed members of the Defence Force took up temporary posting at the school after it was reported that the school would come under attack from gang members in the community. Subsequently, a 17-year-old Form Five pleaded guilty to using threatening language to inflict grievous bodily harm against his geography teacher.

Some of the 24 were said to have criminal records and others are currently before the courts. Another group of four students was transferred to another school.

Of the remaining 12, one migrated, while the others are in alternative education programmes, including Servol Life Centres, Citizen Conservation Programme (CC) and NESC (National Energy Skills Centre) centres. One of the remaining 12 sat CSEC exams this year and three of the students are preparing to sit CSEC.

Asked whether the plan to remove the students had achieved the desired effect, Garcia said he felt it had been very successful.

Between March 7 and 24, the students were placed in a programme which sought to change their learning environment. They were first exposed to individual and group counselling to treat with behavioural issues, then placed in a classroom setting for “universal guidance” either at another secondary school or a learning centre.

Students also received follow up assessments which is an ongoing process and there were parent consultations. The ministry also has on-going consultation with teachers at learning centres.

Petrotrin expands fake oil probe

Sunday, September 24, 2017
To avoid another fake oil fiasco

Although Petrotrin recently presented the Energy Ministry with a report on the alleged “fake oil” issue, the company is conducting further investigations into other aspects of the matter.

This was confirmed by Ministry officials following comments by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on Thurdsday. In confirming that he had spoken to Petrotrin employee idya Deokiesingh after news of the matter broke, Dr Rowley said the company’s investigations are on-going.

A Petrotrin employee is alleged to have been involved in the volume discrepancy matter concerning alleged under-supply and over-payment from a private operator. The allegations were made in an August 17 Petrotrin internal audit report made public by Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Following those revelations, Energy Minister Franklin Khan said Petrotrin’s board met for two days on the matter last week and a report was subsequently given to him on September 14. On the status of that report, the ministry confirmed that investigations are continuing on “some more . . . additional issues.” However, ministry offcials declined to give details of the issues and had no word on when the entire probe will be completed.

In a statement last Friday, Petrotrin said: “The company has no comments at this time as investigations are ongoing.”

Since the matter was made public, Deokiesingh, a defeated PNM 2015 election candidate, has been keeping a low profile and is reported to be on leave from his job. He didn’t answer calls yesterday.

Questions were sent to Petrotrin on whether Deokiesingh is on leave, for how long and if the leave was approved . On that Petrotrin also had no comment. Officials would only say that nvestigations are ongoing.

However, sources said top company officials had mandated a probe of how the internal audit report was leaked and the audit team might be targeted.

T&T teachers invited to work in US

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Participate, a teaching cultural exchange agency based in North Carolina, is inviting T&T teachers to apply for positions in the United States. This is not the first time local teachers have gone to work at American schools, but this project is a new one.

T&T teachers can play an important role in helping the next generation of students in the US understand and appreciate cultural differences.

This is especially important now—a time when it might seem that there is growing intolerance for foreign cultures. While infusing global education through T&T culture, teachers from this country will also be gaining valuable experience and professional development by teaching in US classrooms.

In turn, they are able to bring this enriching teaching and learning experience to T&T classrooms.

Teacher Recruitment Manager Daniella Musmanni explained that the name of the programme, Participate, describes the experience of teachers and their integration into the communities and schools of which they were part.

“They engage in the communities in which they live, seek to improve the lives of their students and their families, grow personally and professionally during the experience and then return to their home country so that others can benefit from their experiences and new knowledge,” Musmanni said.

“Throughout the years, we have grown our focus in educator development through our global and dual language school programmes, collaborative professional learning platform and cultural exchange teacher programme.

“More than 10,000 teachers from 84 countries have participated in the programme throughout the last 30 years.”

Jeff Seaby, the programme’s international education adviser, said Participate teachers are placed in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia in the Southern US.

Seaby said Participate stood firmly against racism, bigotry and violence of any kind.

He said the company valued diversity, sharing cultures and helping young minds grow in positive and meaningful ways. He said they put emphasis on the safety and well-being of the teachers. He said the vast majority of the colleagues and members of the community in which its teachers live are welcoming and supportive and participants had consistently reported having a good experience during their time in the US.

Seaby said given the current political climate, the work of international educators continues to be critical.

He said they are proud of the diversity of its teachers and appreciated their commitment.

Seaby said in general, there isn’t a shortage of elementary school teachers in the US. The programme’s goal is to provide cultural exchange for students, teachers and communities, regardless of the supply of American teachers.

This way US and international teachers and students benefit from the experience, he said.


Who can apply?


n The programme is for primary school teachers, university trained in education, with two years of full-time experience in a regular school setting, private or public, who are currently teaching full time. Participate expects to add about 300 new teachers from around the world for the 2018-2019 school year.


n Prospective applicants must to have a driver’s licence and should be comfortable driving, there is no age limit, US citizens are ineligible to participate.


n Teachers should be able to share T&T’s unique culture.


n Participants receive the same salary and benefits as American teachers, as well as social and labour guarantees.


n Recruited educators are provided with free life insurance, international credential assessment, plane ticket and visa sponsorship for the teacher and family, except that the teacher is responsible for the plane tickets for family members to the US. The initial J-1 Exchange Visitor visa used by Participate teachers is valid for up to three years.


n Teachers and schools renew contracts with mutual consent at the end of each year of employment.

Participate teacher Vicky Iglesias from Spain leading students at Unionville Elementary, North Carolina, United States.

Dominica brought to its knees

Sunday, September 24, 2017
PM Skerrit makes appeal to UNGA

Prime Minister of Roosevelt Skerrit pleaded with world leaders yesterday to lend military equipment to help rebuild the hurricane ravaged island. He also made an impassioned appeal for them to do more to help vulnerable countries cope with the effects of global warming.

Skerrit addressed the United Nations General Assembly’s (UNGA) 72nd Session in New York. UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres and President of the General Assembly Miroslav Lajcak were present for his address.

On Monday, Dominica had 90 per cent of homes and public buildings, including it’s main hospital in Roseau and schools completely destroyed by the 160 mph winds of the Category 5 Hurricane Maria. There were 15 confirmed deaths on the island and fears that that toll would rise by today.

Skerrit told the UNGA Dominca has been brought to its knees and they need resources now.

“I call upon those with substantial military capacities to lend us the rescue and rebuilding equipment that may be standing idle waiting for a war. Let Dominica today be that war . . . because currently, our landscape reflects a zone of war,” he said.

“Mr President, we dug graves today in Dominica! We buried loved ones yesterday and I am sure that as I return home tomorrow , we shall discover additional fatalities, as a consequence of this encounter.

“Our homes are flattened! Where there was green there is now only dust and dirt! The desolation is beyond imagination. Mr President, fellow leaders . . . The stars have fallen. Eden is broken! Dominica has come here to declare an international humanitarian emergency.”

Skerrit said the time has come for the international community to make a stand and to decide “whether it will be shoulder to shoulder with those suffering the ravages of climate change worldwide; whether we can mitigate the consequences of unprecedented increases in sea temperatures and levels; whether to help us rebuild sustainable livelihoods; or whether the international community will merely show some pity now, and then flee.”

He noted the success of the COP21 in Paris as a demonstration of the collective political will of member states to take action to combat climate change.

Skerrit said although The Green Climate Fund that was created to assist in putting mitigation measures in place and assist victims of climate change is commendable, “much more must be done to assist countries that continue to bear the brunt of the impact of climate change.”

He said the World Bank facility must be re-capitalized for greater coverage by using already committed funds from the Green Climate Fund.

“This would allow our countries to focus on improving the lives of our people and support the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals,” he said.

“It would allow us to rebuild our nation not as it was but in a manner that is far more capable to meet the realities of rising sea levels and warmer oceans.

“Let us take serious action against the realities of climate change.”

Dominican Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit addressing the United Nations General Assembly in New York yesterday.

It wasn’t me

Sunday, September 24, 2017
Baksh denies involvement in attack on photographer

Although he is quoted in a newspaper article as saying that senior photographer Kristian De Silva was lucky he had not knocked him down, Hanif Nazim Baksh, CEO of A&V Oil and Gas Ltd, now denies any involvement in the incident.

Baksh was absent from a media conference at his attorney Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj’s San Fernando office yesterday to address allegations levelled against the company following a Petrotrin internal audit report on the Catshill field. Maharaj said Baksh is not in an emotional state to speak on the matter.

“I don’t think that is relevant whether Mr Baksh has any connections with the Prime Minister or not. What has relevance here is, in our view . . . is the allegations contained in the report. But in addition, these defamatory allegations made against Mr Baksh have really had adverse effects on him,” Maharaj said

“He feels let down, he feels there has been a grave injustice done against him and his company, he feels that he has worked hard and honestly, is not corrupt, is not dishonest and feels very strongly about that. I don’t think Mr Baksh, from what I have seen, is at this stage ready to be able to talk about what has happened.”

Asked whether Baksh is denying his involvement in the attack on De Silva on September 15 when he and senior reporter Sascha Wilson were outside the company offices in Penal seeking an interview, Maharaj said: “There is nothing for Mr Baksh to deny because there are no allegations made against him. There is an allegation made against another person of interest and the police have interviewed that person.”

Earlie , Maharaj said his instructions were that neither Baksh nor the company was involved in the attack and another person, who is of interest to the police in the matter, has retained attorney Alvin Ramroop. The other person involved is reported to be a close relative of Baksh.

Asked about the article Baksh was quoted in, Maharaj said: “Not everything you read in a newspaper, sometimes, can be accurate.

He said he did a check and confirmed that Nazim Avenue, where the attack took place, is a public road.

Drilling manager: A&V was targeted

A&V Oil and Gas Ltd drilling manager Nazir Ali said while Petrotrin might have found a discrepancy in the amount of oil it documented as being received from Catshill, there are 15 active operators in the field and only his company was targeted. He said this was because of a sudden increase in production by approximately 150 per cent earlier this year.

Ali, who said this was due to their active drilling and well servicing programme which led to several new wells being put in stream, there was no problem with the sales tickets and the only issue was an error in the dates on two documents.

He explained that the company first transfers its production to the Barrackpore Tank Farm before it is sent to Pointe-a-Pierre. The audit report does not show the quantities of crude oil pumped from the Barrackpore to Pointe-a-Pierre as there is no metering system.

Ali blamed leaks for the loss of oil and said it was possible to lose 350,000 barrels of oil over the period targeted in the report. He said Petrotrin officials returned to the company’s facilities last week and found that everything was in order.

Maharaj said Petrotrin was not wrong is commissioning an audit into the field. He said audits are done regularly in the public service so operations can be improved. He said the conflict came when someone leaked the confidential report. The contents of the report were revealed by Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Nazir Ali, left, and Jim Krissa.

Khan: People have lost their humanity

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Chairman of the People’s National Movement (PNM) Franklyn Khan says some people in this country may have lost their humanity.

He said this in response to negative comments circulating on multiple media platforms regarding Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s decision to accommodate Dominicans affected by Hurricane Maria for a six-month period.

Speaking at the media briefing following the PNM’s monthly general council meeting yesterday, Khan said he was disturbed by some of the comments from a section of the population who seemed not to understand the seriousness of the situation.

“The fact of the matter is a fellow Caricom country has been devastated,” Khan said, adding that families, homes, infrastructure, schools, hospitals and churches had been destroyed.

He said it was obvious that T&T had to give a helping hand in relief exercises.

Khan said the general council praised Rowley for his decision and was happy schools and healthcare services will be available to Dominicans affected by Hurricane Maria.

He said the party condemned statements and actions of people who had made negative remarks about Dominicans and the decision to let them easily seek shelter with family and friends who live in T&T.

“I appeal to all T&T citizens of good conscience, let us support our Dominican brothers,” he said

Asked about specific complaints about the Government’s handling of Tropical Storm Bret which hit T&T in June, compared to its willingness to give assistance to Dominica, Khan said the scale of Bret vs Maria was worlds apart.

“Bret was barely classified as a tropical storm. This was a category 5 hurricane. There is no comparison,” he said.

PNM Chairman Franklin Khan holds up a copy on the new constitution of the party as general secretary Daniel Dookie looks on during a press briefing following the general council meeting at Balisier House, Tranquility Street, Port-of-Spain.

Teen to be honoured for gallantry

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Teenager David Sancaro was chased and struck down by an angry motorist driving a pick-up van after he intervened in a domestic dispute in July. Sancaro, 17, eventually died in the hospital while undergoing emergency surgery.

His name was listed as one of this country's growing number of murder victims. However, last night the Office of the President announced that Sancaro's name has now been added to another list —the 2017 National Awards

Sancaro will be posthumously awarded the Humming Bird Bronze Medal for gallantry. Of the 40 people to win national awards this year, Sancaro is the only person awarded the Humming Bird Bronze Medal.

The Guardian on Sunday contacted Sancaro's adopted mother Joanne Tannis to get her view on the teenager being awarded. Tannis, who was at work when this newspaper called, said she wished both she and Sancaro's mother, Yucklan, could express their views together.

"I really wish (Yucklan) was here with me right now so we could share this comment together but it is really an honour, a pleasure to know that he could be remembered and this is something that would be cherished even though he is not here with us and it cannot bring him back," Tannis said.

Attempts to contact Yucklan were futile.

She is expected to be at the national awards ceremony today to collect the award for Sancaro.

A 37-year-old man from Sudama Trace, South Oropouche, is currently before the Siparia Magistrates' court charged with Sancaro's death.

David Sancaro

Volney returning to politics

Sunday, September 24, 2017

In between putting together supplies to assist his hurricane-ravaged birthplace of Dominica, former St Joseph MP Herbert Volney is also working on putting together something for his T&T homeland.

It’s a political movement called We The People (WTP) whose symbol, featuring an X and a flame, was registered with the Elections and Boundaries Commission a few months ago. The group intends presenting third force options to the electorate in the 2020 general election.

And Volney will be among them seeking to contest his former St Joseph seat.

“Our work is to give citizens hope that in 2020 there’ll be opportunity for real change as opposed to exchange between the PNM and UNC,” he said.

It’s coincidental he’s speaking now since today marks the fourth anniversary of his removal from the Parliament in 2013 following the Section 34 fiasco for which he took responsibility and had been dismissed. Volney resigned from the UNC on whose ticket he won St Joseph in 2010 and was later removed from the Parliament by then House Speaker Wade Mark. A by-election was held for the seat and the UNC lost to the PNM.

Despite the removal, Volney had been on UNC’s fringes for the 2015 general elections but that relationship is over.

“After Kamla refused to step down after a fifth consecutive loss I told her I’d not be rejoining because the people rejected her and once she remained leader and continued with the old heads from her last government, she’d never see the corridors of power again. I’m not about backing a loser,” he said.

According to Volney, the WTP movement is different.

“We’re working on a platform of agreed policies that will come from the people and not be imposed by any party. While not necessarily the promulgation of a new political party, we’re shaping a common platform whereby people of standing and potential who share the desire for real change will be offered under a single symbol representing commonality of interests and visions.”

Who’s involved?

“I cannot disclose at this time because it could predjudice their jobs.”

Any UNC members? He wouldn’t say.

“In politics everyone is welcome but it doesn’t mean you’ll be a candidate. Someone with baggage from a failed administration is unlikely to be chosen,” he said.

“My role currently is to organise the platform for development of the movement. The people at the appropriate time, will decide WTP’s leaders,” he said.

Volney expects to win St Joseph

“I live there, I’ve always continued working the area. People knew I was never absent—I know how to win the seat back.”

Volney said his fellow Dominicans, now struggling to rebuild, are strong resilient people who can rally.

“So too are my fellow Trinbagonians. It makes no sense sitting idly by complaining. One has to get up and do something when needed,” he said.


Views on the major parties

PNM: The PNM sold the electorate a campaign slogan that it had a plan when in fact it had no plan. Unforgivable, given that the PNM Government has failed in every aspect of governance to protect the people and advance our well being. They’ll pay the ultimate political price of loss of office.

UNC: The memories of alleged corruption, bid rigging and cronyism is a still a very fresh wound and electors are unlikely to leave their homes and return Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the same group of people to office. They had their chance and they blew it.

National Awards 2017

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Dr. Lenny Saith—Civil Engineer—National Development and Public Service

Professor Courtenay Bartholomew—Medical Researcher—National Development in Medicine and Public Service

Ms. Mc Cartha Lewis (Calypso Rose)—Calypsonian—Culture



Mrs. Sandra Pearl Jones—Former Permanent Secretary—Public Service

Dr. John Prince—Former Permanent Secretary—Public Service

Mr. Jarrin Solomon—Athlete—Sport

Mr. Jereem Richards—Athlete—Sport

Mr. Machel Cedenio—Athlete—Sport

Mr. Renny Quow—Athlete—Sport

Mr. Lalonde Gordon—Athlete—Sport

Imam Haji Hamza Haniff Mohammed (Posthumously)—Religious Leader—Religion



Ms. Amoy Chang Fong—Former Banker—Public Service

Mr. Neil Wilson—Former Councillor and Secretary of the THA—Public Service



Mr. Robert Alphonso Nelson (Lord Nelson—Calypsonian—Calypso and Culture

Ms. Karilyn Shephard—Environmentalist—Environment

Ms. Thora Best—Former School Principal—National Development and Public Service

Mr. Dalvi Paladee—Managing Director—Business and Community Service

Mr. Akeem Stewart—Athlete—Sport



Mr. Ian Antonio Alvarez (Bunji Garlin)—Soca Artiste—Culture and Music

Mr. Herbert “Ed” Watson—Musical Arranger and Producer—Culture and Music

Mr. Errol Alphege Grant—Former Police Inspector—Community Service

Ms. Enid Browne—Former Teacher and Netball Coach—Sport and Community Service

Ms. Stephanie Judith Power—Former Teacher, Cricket Coach and Community Activist—Sport and Community Service

Mr. Ramnarine Bridgelalsingh—Dance Tutor—Culture

Pundit Samsundar “Tara” Maraj—Community Activist—Religion and Community Service

Mr. Prabu Singh—Artist—Art and Culture

Mr. Parmanand Singh—Artist—Art and Culture



Mr. David Sancaro (Posthumously)—Student—Gallantry




Mrs. Esther Daniel-Liverpool—Former Secretary to His Excellency The President—Public Service

Dr. Anton Cumberbatch—Medical Doctor—Public Service

Ms. Jacqueline Ganteaume-Farrell—Former Permanent Secretary—Public Service

Mr. Carl Ansel Francis—Former Permanent Secretary—Public Service

Mr. Eric James—Former Permanent Secretary—Public Service

Mrs. Arlene Mc Comie—Former Permanent Secretary—Public Service

Mr. Ammar Samaroo—Former Comptroller of Customs and Excise—Public Service

Mrs. Roslyn Lauren Khan-Cummings—Former Permanent Secretary—Public Service



Mr. Steve Williams—Former Manager, Student Support Services—Public Service

Mrs. Lydia Rosalie Choate—Former School Principal—Education and Community Service

Mr. Shariffudin Mohammed—Retired Lieutenant Commander—Public Service



Ms. Folade Mutota—Executive Director—Gender Affairs

Kamla: No improvement from current govt

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says even as this country celebrates its 41st anniversary as a Republic, under the current administration, T&T had seen no movement towards improving public institutions for the benefit of the people.

In her Republic Day message, Persad-Bissesar said the current approach to governance is authoritarian and citizens feel excluded and demoralized.

“We are seeing crime spiralling at an alarming rate, with citizens living in fear as they go about their daily activities. Our economy is in a downward spiral, with thousands having lost their jobs since this Government took office,” she said.

Persad-Bissessar said investment was drying up, and business people are facing tough financial circumstances.

“In all this, I want to remind the people of this country of the importance of our Republican status—the power lies in your hands. It is up to each of us to work together to bring about positive change in our society.”

She said although we are a young Republic, T&T has made significant progress in building a democracy and public institutions to serve the interests of the people.

“As a Parliamentarian and a citizen, I will continue to work towards serving the people of this country, and I maintain my call for all citizens to join with me and my team as we seek to continue to build our nation, and to build a brighter future for us all.”

Persad-Bissessar said citizens must continue to work to protect hard-won freedoms, and demand leaders take their responsibilities seriously, and work in the interest of all citizens.

“It cannot be that those holding high office seek the interests of a few while ignoring the needs of the majority. The people of Trinidad and Tobago deserve more, and I call on all right-thinking citizens to stand up for your rights and let your voices be heard. I will stand with you as we seek to further the development of our nation.”

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Golconda man shot outside home

Sunday, September 24, 2017



Loud sobs could be heard as undertakers removed the body of Rickie Lochan from his Golconda home yesterday.

The father of three left home around 8 pm Friday to play all fours in Barrackpore. When his wife Feroza went outside around 3.15 am on yesterday morning, she found him lying on the ground with a gunshot wound to his face. His car was parked in the yard and the keys were next to his body. She said she heard an explosion at around 1.50 am but did not think her husband was in danger.

Investigators suspect Lochan’s murder was a hit rather than a robbery. Southern Division Police, including Snr Supt Mohammed, ASP Joseph and Insp Gajadhar led investigators to the scene. They said Lochan had been shot just under his left eye from a distance.

Neither investigators or his family could explain why someone wanted Lochan dead. His daughter Fiona said while he was a serious person who “doesn’t like to take stupidness from nobody,“ he was not violent . She said he would kept his distance from negative people. Relatives said he was a kind and loving person.

Campaign to remove Lopinot sign

Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Lopinot Community Council has decided to support the change of a sign at the historical site, a former slave plantation, that refers to hundreds of enslaved Africans brought to this country in the 1700s as “loyal slaves.” The decision comes months after the launch of the Cross Rhodes Freedom project by founder and executive director Shabaka Kambon.

The Lopinot sign is one of three campaigns currently being promoted by the activist group to construct a “more genuinely emancipated society.”

Last month, president of the Lopinot Community Council, Donna Mora, said the group approached them about having the sign changed because it was offensive and an inaccurate portrayal of this island’s history. Mora said it had never occurred to the community that the words “loyal slaves” could be offensive as they had spent decades telling stories of the loyalty of the slaves who accompanied Comte Charles de Lopinot to Trinidad, not truly recognising that the word “loyal” was inappropriate since it implied the slaves had a choice.

“We really hadn’t thought much about it but after Mr Kambon came and spoke to us we realised it was really offensive so we voted as a council and decided we wanted to support the change,” Mora said.

The change still requires approval from local government and the Ministry of Tourism.

Kambon said his group will be initiating conversations with both entities next week and will deliver a letter to Mayor of Port-of-Spain Joel Martinez about monuments in the capital city.

“The most obscene thing in Trinidad and Tobago is probably the sign in Lopinot. In that scenario you have a sign on a former plantation that asks you to honour the slave master and his wife and described our ancestors as loyal slaves.

“Just last year you had tourists who went to the holocaust memorial and took selfies doing funny things while touring former concentration camp run by the Nazis and that was considered to be sacrilege. This is what Lopinot is. It is the last space organised at a point of memory in Trinidad of that period of enslavement.

Kambon said when he started the project, the group thought it would be difficult to capture the public’s imagination where monuments are concerned.

“As we went on things started happening internationally. In New Orleans some of the confederate monuments were moved. In Venezuela, they replaced a statue of Columbus with one celebrating its indigenous people,” he said.

While the three local campaigns currently run by the project focus on the sign in Lopinot, the Columbus statue in Moruga and the renaming of Milner Hall at the University of West Indies, St Augustine, there is also a wider regional reach and a theme, Columbus must fall.

The move to rename Milner Hall recently got support from Pro Vice Chancellor at the university Sir Hilary Beckles. Milner is quoted in history as proudly describing himself as a racist.

“Columbus is the primary lie of the Caribbean. The historical myth that we teach children up to today must go. It is a lie upon which the hierarchy of the society is constructed. It is the foundation upon which all the racism and everything is constructed,” Kambon said.

“Every island in the Caribbean has some monument to Columbus.”

He said it was not just about changing the name but about changing the mindset of the people.

In photo from left: Cleo Alberta Lake from Countering Colston (Bristol, UK) the prof’s secretary, Shabaka Kambon—Director CRFP, Shabakie Fernandes African Cultural Development Association (George Town, Guyana), and Michael Quess Moore from Take Em Down Nola (New Orleans, USA).
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