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Trinis evacuated but unhurt as Harvey hits

Monday, August 28, 2017

As Hurricane Harvey petered out into a storm yesterday after cutting a swathe of destruction across Texas, there were no reports of injuries to T&T nationals there, Foreign Affairs Minister Dennis Moses says.

But some nationals who lived in areas directly affected by the hurricane and were evacuated from those communities, will have to assess damage to their homes when they return.

Moses spoke to the T&T Guardian yesterday after three Texas deaths were attributed to Harvey’s destruction in the past few days. The hurricane devastated Rockport and other coastal Texas areas before weakening into a Category One storm, still dumping rain on other parts of the Lone Star state yesterday, according to US reports. It was described as the worst hurricane to hit Texas in 50 years. (See page A17)

Moses said, “Luckily, most of our nationals apparently live in areas - Austin, San Antonio and other places - away from where the hurricane hit the hardest and to date we’ve had no reports of deaths or injuries among nationals there. We have ongoing updates, monitoring the situation.”

United National Congress public relations officer Anita Haynes’ family, who live in Houston and Austin, were spared damage to their homes since they were on the outer segment of Harvey-hit areas.

But she added,”Our other relatives who live in Corpus Christi—which was heavily affected—were evacuated and they cannot assess damage to their homes yet until they’re allowed to return to that area, so we’re hoping praying everything is all right there.”

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Association of Texas - a community of T&T nationals there - which had been praying for colleagues since the hurricane broke last Friday, urged members to check in with family and friends in the US and “back home” in T&T.

Meteorologist Daji Aswad, the daughter and granddaughter of a Houston-based T&T family, who reported on the hurricane on Accuweather News, showed footage of heavy rains at her family’s Fort Bend home.

Residents wade through flood waters left in the wake of the passage of Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas, yesterday. Thousands of people had to flee their homes due to massive flooding in some parts of the state. Photo by:David J. Phillip

AG heads to court tomorrow

Monday, August 28, 2017
Ayers-Caesar judicial impasse

Government is expected to file an Interpretation Summons in court by tomorrow asking the High Court to interpret what should be done regarding the 53 outstanding matters of former chief magistrate Marcia Ayers-Caesar.

“We’re aiming to file it by Tuesday,” Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi said yesterday.

It will be the latest step to try and deal with the matter of the cases which were partly heard and were left in limbo following Ayers-Caesar’s elevation to the High Court and resignation earlier in the year.

Al-Rawi said the summons was one of two routes suggested by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) on the matter.

The other was a legislative route involving amendments to the Preliminary Inquiries and Summary Courts Acts. It would have changed the law for general purposes and did not apply specifically to the 53 cases.

The legislative recommendation was vetoed by the Opposition when Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar met in July.

Al-Rawi subsequently said he would still pursue the idea and send draft proposals to the DPP, Law Association and judiciary for comment.

He said Government would have been prepared to recall Parliament from the current August recess to debate the matter if Cabinet had approved everything.

But several weeks later, Government indicated the judiciary would have to work out the matter of the cases on its own.

Al-Rawi yesterday added: “The Prime Minister was careful to take independent advice on this (Interpretation Summons), which the Cabinet received and also recommended this route. We looked at the potential of both this idea and the general legislation discussed earlier and this was the preferred route.

“One of the benefits of this initiative is all interested parties will have the ability to address the courts and deal with arguments concerning abuse of power that could arise. So it allows a more targeted approach on the 53 matters.”

He said Interpretation Summons will pertain specifically to the 53 cases at issue and not general matters.

“The 53 matters involved here starts and stops with the Judicial and Legal Services Commission and judiciary,” Al-Rawi said.

But he added that the idea of general law on the matter was still open to be addressed as there was “always need for this.”

After the summons was filed, he said, queries to be presented would include whether the cases could be continued by another judge and if they should be restarted.

“Submissions will be invited from all interested parties. It’s not unexpected others, including the Law Association and attorneys in the 53 matters, may give input,”

Al-Rawi could not say how long the matter would take to be settled and if it would be before the new law term which is expected to begin sometime between September 14 and 17.

Le Hunte holds long staff meeting

Monday, August 28, 2017

Very productive!

That was how newly-appointed Minister of Public Utilities Robert Le Hunte said he spent his first day on the job on Friday.

Le Hunte told the T&T Guardian he engaged in meetings with his permanent secretary and all heads of departments at his One Alexander office in Woodbrook. His meetings went late into the night.

The former banker was handed his instrument of appointment by President Anthony Carmona on Thursday at President’s House, St Ann’s, after he was selected by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.

Contacted late Friday evening, Le Hunte said he concentrated on meeting with his PS and heads of departments and getting an update on what was happening in the ministry.

Asked if his meeting was productive and engaging, Le Hunte said yes.

“Yes, it was very productive. As a matter of fact it is still in progress. I see that I would be here until very late tonight. There is a lot of work to be done in so little time.”

Le Hunte said if his job requires burning the candles at both ends he will do it.

He said in his discussions with his staff, he saw a dedicated team of public servants who are eager to work and make the ministry efficient as possible.

“I really had a great meeting with the team. We had a very open discussion. We talked about what they do and what are my expectations. I think we had a frank and open discussion.”

Today, Le Hunte said he will meet with chairmen of TSTT, WASA and T&TEC.

Dragon Boys take Tassarama title

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Big Thumb Dragon Boys Tassa band walked away with the first prize in the seniors’ category at the National Tassarama Competition final at Gilbert Park, California, on Saturday night.

This was the second time the Rio Claro band took the top spot in the 17-year-old competition.

Dragon Boys beat the QMS Sanjay Boys Tassa Band and the Young Legends Tassa Band in the second and third respectively.

In the junior category, Morning Stars Tassa Band took the top spot followed by D’Evolution Tassa Band and the Marabella United Tassa Band.

Vice president of the Tassa Association of T&T Wendell Eversley said the free show was a gift to the nation on the eve of Independence on Thursday. He said tassa drummers have been fighting for recognition despite the instrument being used in several facets of national life, especially politics. In fact, he said he was disappointed the tassa had not been declared the second national instrument.

Eversley said the association has struggled for sponsorship from the state and corporate sector over the years.

He said: “I want you all to continue to support the tassa and one day some good prime minister, some good minister of culture would recognise the tassa.”

The bands had to execute five different tassa hands or styles of drumming in 10 minutes during the competition. The event started at 6 pm with five junior bands taking the stage and were followed, shortly after 8 pm by 15 senior bands took. The event was well attended by patrons who packed the venue.

Members of the Big Thumb Dragon Boys Tassa Band during their winning performance in the seniors’ category at the National Tassarama Competition final at Gilbert Park, California, on Saturday night. Photo by:SHASTRI BOODAN

Fitness enthusiasts upset at Boldon ban

Monday, August 28, 2017

Scores of people who use the facilities at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva are now calling on Sport Minister Darryl Smith to get the Sports Company of T&T (SporTT) to rescind a decision it made to ban public use of all sporting the there.

Dozens of them gathered outside the stadium shortly after 5 pm on Friday, demanding that they be allowed to use the facility for their daily exercise.

Spokesman for the disgruntled group, Andrew Llewellyn said on July 21 they were told by security at the stadium that they would no longer afforded the courtesy of using the facility to exercise. He said many people walk around the stadium, a distance of roughly 900 metres, on a daily basis.

In a release last week, the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs announced that the public was being banned from using the Ato Boldon Stadium while a review of the safety and security measures at the adjoining National Aquatic Centre and Cycling Velodrome was being conducted. The ministry said it would attempt to facilitate the people who use the facility for exercise by improving the lighting on the roadway outside the stadium. However, it said members of the facility’s gym would still be allowed access to the compound.

But on Friday Llewellyn said the reasons given by the ministry and the SporTT concerning security at the facility was a poor one, since no one is allowed near the Aquatic Centre in the first place.

He said one of the main reasons they use the stadium is because many of the elderly cannot use the roadway outside since its sides are covered with bush and grass over two metres high. He said thieves also target vehicles parked in this area. He said the roadway is indeed inadequately lit, making it an easy haven for criminals to lurk in the bushes or behind numerous shipping containers that are parked along the roadway at various times of the year.

Noting that Ramesh “Raj” Jacob, 41, a doubles vendor who operated near the Balmain Main Road, was gunned down before 6 am on January 28, 2017, he said many people were also fearful for their safety. He said on the stadium compound, however, people can exercise until 8.30 pm because it is well lit.

When asked why recreation grounds in the various communities cannot be used, he said most of those grounds were without lights or the lights had been turned off. He said some of the grounds are also covered with bush and have no proper walking track, which can be hazardous to elderly people and may cause them to fall and injure themselves.

He said people who use the Ato Boldon Stadium were given word of mouth permission to use it around 2001 by the then management of the facility and since then there had been no problems, adding they were now being given the boot.

Llewellyn said it was disheartening that the Minister of Health was appealing to nationals to stay in shape to prevent lifestyle diseases on one hand, while on the other the Ministry of Sports was doing the best to discourage them from keeping fit. He said the group will keep lobbying the relevant authorities until their voices are heard.

Andrew Llewellyn speaks on behalf of persons who use the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva to exercise on Friday. Photo by:SHASTRI BOODAN

Brooklyn’s West Indian Carnival turns 50

Monday, August 28, 2017

NEW YORK—The colours, pageantry and sound of Caribbean Carnival were on full display last week, as the Brooklyn, New York-based West Indian American Day Carnival Association (WIADCA) launched  its 50th anniversary celebration of Caribbean Carnival Week.

Masqueraders from several mas camps, as well as carnival lovers, officials and legislators, converged on the Brooklyn Children’s Museum for the grand celebration, held under the theme, “From a Dream to a Legacy.”

“It’s good that we got to the 50th anniversary,” costume-clad Trinidadian Kay Mason, described as the “Queen of Labour Day Carnival,” told the Caribbean Media Corporation among the gaiety.

“I want to thank WIADCA for their organisation over the years,” added Mason, who won WIADCA’s Carnival Queen nine times and was five times “Queen of the Bands” in Trinidad and Tobago Carnival.

“It’s a milestone to bring this culture together, so we can celebrate,” continued Mason, representing perennial West Indian American Day Carnival Parade’s Band the Year Champions Sesame Flyers, who were honoured by WIADCA in April.

Other mas bands represented included Trinidad and Tobago-owned Detailz Mas, Antoine International, Amezilia Costumes and Diamond Entertainment.

Caribbean American Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, perhaps spoke for the Caribbean community in New York, stating that it was “important that we stand with pride.”

WIADCA president William Howard assured the effervescent crowd that “you’ll have a good time (during the Carnival Parade on Eastern Parkway) on Labour Day (September 4). CMC






“We’ll see you for Labour Day,” he said.

The 50th Annual New York Caribbean Carnival Week kicks off on Thursday (August 31) with “Reggae Unda Di Stars.”

The annual Summer Jam: Stay In School Concert & Youth Fest will be featured on September 1, along with the popular Brass Fest concert later that day, which features a host of T&T soca acts, including Blaxx; Lyrikal, Farmer Nappy and 2017 Road March King MX Prime of the Ultimate Rejects.

The Junior Carnival and Panorama take place on September 2 and the Dimanche Gras finale is set for the following day, where the likes of The Mighty Sparrow, Calypso Rose, David Rudder and pannist Dane Gulston are carded to perform.

Coconut vendor ambushed, slain

Monday, August 28, 2017

A Cedros coconut vendor on his way to buy foodstuff for Sunday lunch was ambushed and shot to death in his wagon, not far away from his home yesterday morning.

Errol Sookbir’s murder left relatives and friends in shock and confused as to who would want to end his life.

But in 2010 Sookbir, who lived near the Perseverance Coconut Estate, was also shot in the same area while driving home with his wife and son. No one was arrested in that incident and the police yesterday did not know whether the two incidents were linked.

Sookbir, who had a 16-year-old son with his wife Angela Ganness and six stepchildren, had just left Ganness, his stepdaughter, her one-year-old son and his 87-year-old bedridden mother-in-law at home when he was shot along Perseverance Road.

Recalling the horrifying ordeal at the crime scene yesterday, Ganness said around 7 am her husband left in his white AD wagon to go to the nearby store to buy something for her to cook.

“He did not even reach out the road and I hear five gunshots. I started to bawl because I know something happen. The shots was not like when someone hunting. It sound real hard.”

When she ran out the house she saw two men running away.

“I started to run and I tell my daughter to call the police. I run to the door and watch through the window. I call him but he did not answer. He was slumped on the passenger side and blood was coming out his ears.”

There were gunshot wounds to his back and head, as well as bullet holes to the windscreen and the front doors, she said.

As tears welled up in her eyes, Ganness said she had no idea why anyone would want her husband dead.

“Even if he had a quarrel with someone he will never tell me,” she said.

Sookbir, who would have celebrated his 40th birthday on Independence Day, was a no nonsense person who did not hesitate to speak his mind, she said.

His friend, Anthony Steele, described him as the permanent secretary of Cedros.

“He had a loud mouth, but he was very involved in the community. We work in the same political campaign for the UNC, he was involved with the fisherfolk. Up to yesterday I spoke to him about a beach clean-up campaign with the police.”

Only last year, Sookbir was the spokesperson for fishermen who were demanding compensation following an oil spill in Fullerton.

Steele said Sookbir’s murder was a shock to him and the community.

“I really can’t explain this, but I feel the people who murdered him knew him because Errol would not stop to talk to anybody he didn’t know. He would run you over.”

Expressing hope that the killers would be caught, he said he was concerned about the murders in the community.

“Before you used to hear about a death every 50 years, now is every year to six months someone dying in my community. Who next?” he said.

Sookbir’s relatives and friends were also upset that it took more than six hours for the body to be removed and that the police did not allow his close family members to view his body. The police impounded the wagon for fingerprint and forensic analysis.

Investigators of the Siparia CID, Cedros police and Homicide Bureau visited the scene and investigations are continuing.

Undertakers remove the body of Errol Sookbir, who was shot dead at Perseverance Estate Road in Cedros yesterday. Photo by:Tony Howell

JSC must call PM, Purdey too—Maharaj

Monday, August 28, 2017

Parliament’s Joint Select Committee (JSC) examining the ferry transport issue should summon both Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and Bridgemans Services Group vice president Andrew Purdey to give information, says former transport minister Devant Maharaj.

“Despite the appointment of a sole investigator into the issue, the Prime Minister, from his recent statements, seems in possession of a lot information on the matter and to be defending his Works minister, so the JSC would be enlightened by any information he possesses,” Maharaj said yesterday.

“Also, Mr Purdey recently appeared willing to give information on the issue and there are conflicting reports on whether he spoke first to the Works Ministry or Port Authority on it, so the JSC’s job would benefit by his presence to clarify matters.”

Parliament’s Land and Infrastructure JSC has listed a number of people to appear before it to speak about the ferry issue on September 4

Maharaj also claimed “veiled references” were made about the former People’s Partnership transport ministers and certain other people at the People’s National Movement’s general council meeting on Saturday, when the leadership spoke about the ferry fiasco.

“Was it an attempt to distract from the performance of the current minister on the ferry matter and place blame in the direction of the Galicia’s procurement process done under the past administration?” Maharaj asked.

“If the Prime Minister has information on the current ferry issue and is also complaining about corruption occurring, why not take any information on (all) this which he has, to the police?”

Guard charged in $.6m Western Union robbery

Monday, August 28, 2017

A 33-year-old security guard, who claimed to have been abducted by a group of men who robbed a Western Union branch in Port-of-Spain of over $600,000 last week, has instead been charged for the crime.

The guard, who was detained by police after the robbery at the company’s store at Excellent City Centre in Port-of-Spain last Tuesday, was slapped with three charges by investigators on Saturday.

He was charged with breaking and entering into the branch and stealing TT$577,598, US$11,242, £610, CA$390 and EC$700; causing $6,000 in malicious damage to the store’s safe and for wasteful employment of police time by making a false report on the robbery. He is expected to be taken to the Port-of-Spain Magistrate’s Court this morning to answer the charges.

According to reports, the incident took place around 1 am last Tuesday, when a group of men cut a hole in the roof of the building and made their way to the outlet. They managed to disable some of the store’s cameras before breaking into the safe and stealing the money.

Police were alerted to the robbery hours later after the security guard made a report at the Chaguanas Police Station.

He allegedly told police that he was on duty when the burglars broke in and he was attacked.

He claimed he was kidnapped by the burglars, threatened and was dropped off in Chaguanas.

Police arrested three other suspects after the guard and they remained in police custody up to late yesterday.

Detectives from the Port-of-Spain CID led by ASP Ajith Persad are continuing investigations.

Couple charged with stealing from casino

Monday, August 28, 2017

A 33-year-old casino supervisor and her husband, who are accused of stealing $153,000 from her employer, are expected to appear in court today charged with 50 counts of larceny by trick.

The couple was arrested at their Kings Wharf, San Fernando home on Friday night, a day after the casino owner reported the theft.

It is alleged that the woman and her 39-year-old husband stole the money between January and August. It is alleged the woman manipulated a roulette machine in the casino to ensure that a certain bet was played.

When she received the chit she would sign it and give it to her husband, who would then cash it in. They were arrested by Cpl Bacchus and PC Crawford of the San Fernando CID.

Following investigations supervised by Insp Don Gajadhar, which included viewing surveillance footage from the casino, interviewing and taking statements from people, including the couple, charges were laid by Crawford.

They are expected to appear before a San Fernando magistrate.

Woman’s body found in carpet on river bank

Monday, August 28, 2017

Police are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a woman whose decomposing body was found in a river in central Trinidad yesterday morning.

According to reports, shortly after 10.30 residents of Penn Trace, Enterprise, Chaguanas, contacted police after they noticed the woman’s body wrapped in a rug on the river bank near a bridge.

When Homicide detectives arrived on the scene they noticed a hand protruding from the rolled up rug and called in fire officers to help recover it.

Investigators said the body was in an advanced stage of decomposition and they will have to wait until an autopsy is performed at the Forensic Science Centre in St James this morning to determine her cause of death.

The body was not removed from its makeshift wrapping , which will be opened at the centre by a pathologist to search for forensic evidence.

The scene was inspected and photographed by crime scene investigators.

However, police believe the body may have been dumped at another location and was transported by the river before it became lodged in a pile up of debris near the bridge.

Several groups on social media network Facebook yesterday post pictures of the body, along with a picture of a unnamed 21-year-old woman they claimed to be the victim. But police had not confirmed the victim’s identity up to late yesterday.

While Homicide detectives were on the Enterprise scene, they were called to a murder in Montrose, Chaguanas.

According to reports, around 2 pm, Ricardo Phillip was at his apartment when someone knocked on his front door.

Phillip answered and was greeted by two gunmen who immediately shot him several times. He was pronounced dead on the scene by a District Medical Officer (DMO). Phillip’s autopsy will also take place at the FSC this morning.

Investigators said Phillip was known to police and had recently moved to the area.

Detectives of the Region Three Homicide Bureau are continuing investigations.

Duke goes on with swim protest

Monday, August 28, 2017
Despite warnings of extreme danger

Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Minority Leader and Public Services Association president Watson Duke will proceed with his planned “Swim Protest” today despite calls for him not to try it due to the danger associated with it.

During a press conference Scarborough Fishing Facility yesterday, Duke said the demonstration is being done “with Tobago in mind to highlight the many inter-island transport issues that were being put on the back burner by the Government.”

Saying he was ready to swim, Duke added: “Tobago is ready for the opportunity to decide its own future, a simple thing like sea bridge and the air bridge must to be decided by Tobago.

“For 125 years and eight months Trinidad has decided for us and still we have been battling problems after problems. We are saying the time has come for Tobago to be the final decision maker on the ferry it wants, on the type of airline system it wants operating the air bridge, so this is what tomorrow (today) is about and if we are ready for that, yes we are ready for that tomorrow.”

Duke said he had no point to prove.

Apart from Assemblyman Farley Augustine and members of the Fisherfolk Association, Duke was tight-lipped about the number of people who would be supporting him during the swim.

He also sent a message to his critics who believe he will not be able to make the entire journey

“It’s by any means necessary and we will hold fast to that. The idea is not to prove that we are the best swimmers or make the Guinness World book of records, but the idea is to ensure that Tobago is placed on the national agenda and if nothing is done within short measure, short order, what will happen, we may actually be forced to swim and go back to trading using fishing boats and canoes, that is the reality,” he said

Commenting on the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard’s warning that they will not be able to give support during the swim, Duke said he believes that all heads throughout the country had a vested interest in the effort and would lend the necessary support

“We believe that the Coast Guard, notwithstanding their grand standing, would be present, we believe that TEMA would be present and we believe that all of the regional health authorities would be present, because who is going into the water tomorrow, is sons and daughters of Trinidad and Tobago and what are the eventualities, anything could happen, so I believe all right thinking leaders, regardless of the spare of preparation, once it deals with emergency would be on high alert,” he said.

The swim protest is scheduled to start at 8 am from the Scarborough Fishing Facility and is expected to finish in Toco.

Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Minority Leader Watson Duke at the Scarborough Port in Tobago yesterday. Duke will attempt to swim from Tobago to Trinidad in protest against the unreliable inter-island ferry service today.

Only man alive to do it offers his support

Monday, August 28, 2017

Grande Riviere resident Raymond La Croix, the first man who swam from Trinidad to Tobago, is supporting Public Services Association president Watson Duke on his swim today from Tobago.

La Croix, who achieved his swim in 1993 after two failed attempts in 1991 and ‘92, spoke to Duke yesterday, giving him some pointers and how to go about his swim today. He said he felt if Duke pursues and accomplishes the swim, “it will send a strong message and the ministers would listen and bring some solution to the people of Tobago.”

A former WASA employee and father of four, La Croix, 63, told T&T Guardian that for one to swim from Tobago to Trinidad it takes a lot of preparation. He said one must be physically, mentally and spiritually fit because it is not an easy task, noting he had wanted to do it since he was a teenager.

“It cannot be done in quick time, there must be preparation. I am longing to do it again, “ he said.

La Croix said he was preparing for his venture from the age of 17 and was bent on achieving this goal. He said he trained in Grande Riviere.

“I got down into serious training, walk up and down all mountains in Trinidad and my best walk was through Blanchisseuse,” he said.

“I was self-motivated and I went to the waters with God, full of confidence, most important removing all fears. I went out to Toco and the current did the rest, I was actually coming down on current. I had done it for myself not for any fame or glory.”

La Croix said he took 14 hours to complete his swim but was never recognised for his effort.

“It just went unnoticed,” he said, noting he had a special aptitude for swimming.

“I work with water and like water and lived by the sea. It was a great, great experience. I saw sharks swimming next to me, big sharks, but remained calm and did not make too much noise by my swim strokes in the water. I exhibited no fear and believed in God. God made the sea for us we could command the sea.”

On all of his swims he said the T&T Coast Guard assisted him, but admitted that during training he was once stopped by the same Coast Guardsmen who though he was an escaped prisoner.

La Croix said he believes it is easier to swim from Tobago to Trinidad as the current assists swimming. He added that at times strong current and rough water can steer you off course.


Grande Riviere resident Raymond La Croix, who successfully swam from Trinidad to Tobago once. Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Minority Leader Watson Duke will attempt to swim from Tobago in protest against the unreliable inter-island ferry service today. Photo by:Ralph Banwarie

Water swallows up Houston

Monday, August 28, 2017
Struggle to reach stranded after Harvey

HOUSTON—Rising flood waters from the remnants of Hurricane Harvey chased thousands of people to rooftops or higher ground in Houston yesterday, overwhelming rescuers who fielded countless desperate calls for help.
A fleet of helicopters, air-boats and high-water vehicles confronted flooding so widespread that authorities had trouble pinpointing the worst areas. Rescuers got too many calls to respond to each one and had to prioritise life-and-death situations.
The water rose high enough to begin filling second floors—a highly unusual sight for a city built on nearly flat terrain. Authorities urged people to get on top of their homes to avoid becoming trapped in attics and to wave sheets or towels to draw attention to their location.
Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez used Twitter to field calls for assistance. Among those seeking help was a woman who posted: “I have two children with me and the water is swallowing us up.”
People used inflatable beach toys, rubber rafts and even air mattresses to get through the rising waters to safety. Others simply waded while carrying plastic trash bags stuffed with their belongings.
Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said authorities had received more than 2,000 calls for help and would be opening the city’s main convention centre as a shelter.
Rainfall of more than four inches per hour resulted in water levels higher than in any recent floods and higher than during Tropical Storm Allison in June 2001, said Jeff Linder of flood control district in Harris County, which includes Houston.
The Coast Guard, which received more than 300 requests for help, deployed five helicopters and asked for additional aircraft from New Orleans.
The director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Brock Long, said the government expected to conduct a “mass care mission” and predicted that the aftermath of the storm would require FEMA’s involvement for years.
The fiercest hurricane to hit the US in more than a decade came ashore late Friday about 48 kilometres north-east of Corpus Christi as a mammoth Category 4 storm with 209 kph winds.
It weakened Saturday to a tropical storm and by yesterday the system was centred about 65 miles south-east of San Antonio, with maximum sustained winds of about 72.42 kph, according to the National Hurricane Center, which described the flooding as “catastrophic.”
One person was killed in Aransas County when in a fire at home during the storm. Another person—a woman who tried to get out of her vehicle in high water—died in flooding in Harris County, where Houston is located, though authorities had not confirmed a cause of death, said Gary Norman, a spokesman for the Houston emergency operations centre. (AP)

A family evacuates their Meyerland, Houston home yesterday after the community was ravaged by flooding in the wake of the passage of Hurricane Harvey.

Healthy mount

Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh attempts to mount a horse during the People’s National Movement’s (PNM) eastern division family fun day at the Aranguez Savannah on Sunday. Photo by:AYANNA KINSALE

Women police officerstake over S/G streets

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Women police officers dominated the streets of Sangre Grande yesterday in celebration of the 61st Women Police Day.

Close to 40 women police officers, supervised by Sgt Allana Lopez, took up police duties in Sangre Grande as they directed traffic, conducted road blocks.

They also visited business places and spoke with parents who were purchasing text books for the reopening of school.

The women police officers issued 40 tickets made 45 stop and checks during their tour. No one was arrested.

Motorists, as well as shoppers and burgesses of Sangre Grande, were surprised to see the women police officers in their numbers at every street corner.

Lopez told T&T Guardian that the officers identified their strength by carrying out many police duties in a day.

“We had good PR in our approach to motorists, for which we got our respect,” she said.


Police officers search an unidentified man during a patrol in Sangre Grande yesterday. Photo by:RALPH BANWARIE

Guard held for $.6m robbery

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A 31-year-old security guard accused of robbing a Western Union branch in Port-of-Spain of over $600,000 last week appeared in court yesterday.

Mahesh Isa Ram, of Crown Trace, Enterprise, Chaguanas, was granted $350,000 bail by Magistrate Cheron Raphael when he appeared before her in the Port-of-Spain Magistrate’s Court yesterday.

He was charged with breaking and entering into the branch and stealing TT$577,598, US$11,242, £610, CA$390 and EC$700; causing $6,000 in malicious damage to the store’s safe and for wasteful employment of police time by making a false report of the robbery.

Ram was not called upon to plead to the robbery and malicious damage charges but pleaded not guilty to wasting the police’s time.

Raphael initially considered granting Ram a higher bail but changed her mind after his attorney Fareed Ali pointed out that his client had a clean criminal record.

“I will be as lenient as I possibly can with bail. Usually, bail is granted to cover the entire sum found on the charges,” Raphael said.

As part of the condition of his bail, she ordered that he report to the Cunupia Police Station twice weekly for the duration of his case.

According to reports, the incident took place around 1 am last Tuesday.

Police arrested three other suspects and they remained in police custody up to late yesterday. None of the loot from the robbery has been recovered by police. Detectives from the Port-of-Spain CID led by ASP Ajith Persad are continuing investigations.

Robbery accused Mahesh Isa Ram is escorted to the Port-of-Spain Magistrates Court, yesterday. Photo by:Kerwin Pierre

Minority Leader joins protest vets

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

With Tobago House of Assembly Minority leader Watson Duke’s protest action yesterday, he now joins the ranks of other personalities who have taken physically taxing action to protest various issues in the past.

They include the National Alliance for Reconstruction’s (NAR) late Lincoln Myers, late former PNM prime minister Patrick Manning, Congress of the People’s Wayne Kublalsingh, former UNC prime minister Basdeo Panday and ex-Attorney General Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj.

Myers staged a 40-day fast on the Hall of Justice’s steps in 1985 protesting corruption during the then PNM government’s tenure. In March 2011, Manning did a seven-day “March for Democracy” from the Red House, Port-of-Spain to his San Fernando East constituency office. This followed his suspension from Parliament by the then PP government.

Kublalsingh fasted for nine months outside the Prime Minister’s Office in 2015 protesting the PP administration’s construction of the Mon Desir segment of the Point Fortin Highway. Maharaj marched in 2006 from Cedros to Port-of-Spain, protesting plans for the southern aluminium smelter. Panday, veteran of many marches over his career, also joined him.

Duke completed the 20-plus-mile journey between the islands in approximately five hours, swimming some of the way, then with the assistance of a canoe—which capsized—a jet ski “tow” and also a pirogue ride before swimming the final leg.

But he made good on his promise to complete the challenge which was undertaken as his method of protesting the ferry transport situation between T&T.

There was silence from Government and praise from the Opposition following the protest action by Duke.

Public Administration/Communication Minister Maxie Cuffie had no comment on the fact that Duke completed his journey. Nor did Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan.

A couple other People’s National Movement (PNM) officials scoffed that Duke “didn’t swim the entire way...”

But United National Congress MP Suruj Rambachan said: “Mr Duke must be admired for the stance he took, which is what this was all about. It’s not about whether he completed the swim or not. The message of his effort mustn’t be lost. What we witnessed in his effort was his underscoring of Government’s incompetence to deal with the serious issues people face in Trinidad and Tobago.

“It’s unfortunate that PNM spin specialists are trying to downplay and even poke fun at his efforts, without considering that they’re really defending mismanagement and corruption. PNM people must grow up to the reality that this Government is leading us to failed state status —they must stop defending poor performance.”

Curious onlookers who gathered at the Scarborough Port in Tobago to witness Tobago House of Assembly Minority Leader Watson Duke’s protest swim yesterday.

Body in rug identified

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The decomposed body found wrapped in a rug and dumped in a river on Sunday has been confirmed to be that of Isabella “Jasmine” Joseph who was last seen alive last Tuesday.

Relatives of Joseph were at first in denial at the Forensic Science Centre, St James when approached by the T&T Guardian.

The relatives said when they saw the woman’s body on Sunday they could not confirm the identity.

After viewing the pair of black slippers and blue jeans on the corpse her identity was confirmed.

Joseph, 21, left her Cunupia home on August 23 and never returned. She was reported missing when she failed to return at home.

According to police, shortly after 10.30 am, residents of Penn Trace, Enterprise, Chaguanas, contacted police after they noticed the woman’s body wrapped in a rug on the river bank near a bridge.

When Homicide detectives arrived on the scene they noticed a hand protruding from the rolled up rug and called in fire officers for help.

Police believe her body was dumped higher up the river and drifted downstream. It became entangled with debris along the watercourse.

On Joseph’s Facebook page, it noted that she was a budding chef as she was studying culinary arts and worked at Pink Print Fashion. Some of her friends posted tributes to her.

One of her friends wrote: “Almost every night we would either WhatsApp, PM (private message), call or Facebook messenger and talk with each other. You really always would say ‘Kim girl I trying to do better girl, I tryin. Girl and this is what happen. Rest now love for we surely will meet again.

“U hit me hard because I meant every word when I told u, you are my blood. I wish ppl were lying and this news were so false but even now as my eyes are bubbling now as I’m typing girl, I loved you like a sister. RIP baby girl.”

Another woman posted: “Sometimes I wonder if we’re actually living in hell with all these imps walking around but then my God assures me that they all will be wiped off the earth soon so I’m not afraid. I trust and believe in his word everybody has to die but shouldn’t be in the manner how these demons are killing people let others live and die naturally but no they allow greed, jealousy, petty grievances and hate to consume them. R.I.P Bella girl such a sweetheart. God isn’t sleeping and I know you’re in a better place.”

Shot man dies

In an unrelated incident, a 28-year-old Barataria man who was shot last week died on Saturday at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex.

Christopher Augustus, of Seventh Avenue, Malick, Barataria was shot on August 20, police said. Augustus’ death took the murder toll to 321 for the year compared to 302 for the same period last year.

Information surrounding Augustus’ shooting remained unclear. Police said Augustus was with a group of friends when he was shot. Police could not give a motive for his shooting as they said he was not known to be involved in any criminal activity.

Isabella Joseph

PoS port next protest target

Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Duke gets some ‘help’ to reach Toco

Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Minority Leader and Public Services Association (PSA) president Watson Duke yesterday described his swim protest from Tobago to Trinidad a resounding success.

However, he cautioned citizens not to try the stunt as the journey was long and rough.

Duke, along with Assemblyman Farley Augustine and four other swimmers, began swimming from the Scarborough Fishing Facility shortly before 10 am yesterday. He engaged in the protest to highlight the issues facing the inter-island transport system, as well as the Ocean Flower 2 debacle.

However, although he initially promised to swim from one island to the other, he had to abort the idea due to poor sea conditions and swam approximately seven miles before he altered his plan. Duke also fell out of a canoe, which caused some concern for those who were accompanying him. He eventually used a boat owned by a member of the All Tobago Fisherfolk Association to get close to Toco, where he swam to shore at the fishing facility there.

Speaking to reporters in Toco, Duke said the journey was symbolic and well worth it.

“The sea was rough. I will not encourage persons to travel to Trinidad by that means, but it was worth it because it’s really the only alternative that the average Tobagonian has to get to Trinidad ... so this afternoon was very symbolic for all of us. I want to particularly thank God, cause I mean when we left home this morning, we left women crying, husband crying, we left children wondering,” he said

He said the people of Tobago should have the final say on the operations of the air and sea bridge and there must be greater respect for the THA.

“We understood the purpose and we were pushed and propelled by one hundred and twenty five years of suffering and being told by a Central Government in Trinidad what type of vessel we should use, what type of plane we should ride on. So we have decided that we want to make it absolutely clear, from this day forward Tobago must decide, must be the final deciding voice on the ferry service and the air service, it comes with no constitutional change, all it requires is respect for the Tobago House of Assembly and I can’t understand why the Chief Secretary, Mr. Charles, has allowed so much disrespect to come to the people of Tobago. Tobago operates as a state within a state, that why it is a Tobago House of Assembly,” he said

Duke said the time for talking was also over.

“We have been talking for eight months. We have been keeping spot meetings, we have been doing all sorts of stuff, protesting … I am saying we are going to begin a new conversation, a conversation that says Tobago must decide and we intend to deliver a letter to the President, asking for a meeting to discuss the air and sea bridge; one to Caribbean Airlines, asking for a meeting on the air bridge and also the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, asking for a meeting on the sea bridge,” he said.

He said the next protest action would see a large demonstration on the port at Port-of-Spain.

Strong support

Thousands of Tobagonians showed up at the Scarborough Fishing Facility to witness the historic event earlier.

Duke was showered with cheers and applause as he entered the water. Clad in swim gear, he swam for approximately seven miles, passing two markers off Scarborough before needing any assistance.

During the historic swim, Duke described all the swimmers as “freedom fighters.” A banana tree was also planted on their arrival in Toco to mark the event. They returned to Tobago via pirogue at 6 pm.

Contacted yesterday on the swim protest, Tobago Chamber of Commerce president Demi John Cruikshank said his organisation stood in solidarity with anyone who saw the need to bring Tobago issues forward, especially that of the inter-island transportation.

“We commend Mr. Duke for taking a stand and we in the business community are in solidarity with him, in terms that he took the protest to another level, in terms of standing for Tobago in this time of need, so we want to commend him for what he would have done and commend him for taking the stand that he took,” he said

Cruikshank said while it was a dangerous approach taken by Duke, he believes a strong message was clearly sent to those in authority.

“I think the message was well carried by all media houses. If a Tobagonian did not know that there was a crisis, Mr Duke would have made sure today with the stand he would have taken. When you look at the crowd participation, yes he would have gotten his point over,” he said

Also supporting the protest was Inter-island Truckers and Traders Association president Horace Amede, who said he hoped Tobagonians understood the struggle that existed throughout the island because of the challenges on the sea bridge.

“I hope Tobagonians realise what is happening, because they cannot really get to Trinidad. I was in the health centre on Friday and they didn’t have certain drugs to do the A1 c, even medicine for cancer patients was scarce at Bacolet and because of the situation with the sea bridge, so it really needs to be addressed and addressed sooner than later. We hope after today that they will take us serious and realise the urgency of this matter,” he said



D’Abadie resident Jalisa Jack, left, takes a photo with Tobago House of Assembly Minority Leader Watson Duke, centre and Assemblyman for Speyside Farley Augustine upon their arrival at Toco yesterday. Photo by:Abraham Diaz
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