Education Minister Anthony Garcia is now probing an “unfortunate error” made by the College of Science, Technology and Applied Arts of T&T (Costaatt) over payments under the Government Assistance for Tuition Expenses programme (Gate).
Garcia’s action was prompted after thousands of students were given the impression, via an official Costaatt email, that they would have to pay their own tuition fees as far back as the 2013/2014 academic year as a result of Government’s impending changes to the programme.
The memo addressing the issue initially notified students that they would have to pay for Gate from the 2013-14 academic year dating up to just concluded academic year. It also told students that the new Gate arrangements would kick in from the new academic year from August 21, 2017.
This left many current and even former students wondering whether they would have to find money to both repay tuition fees and for the forthcoming academic year.
But after the issue was discussed on social media and on the local airwaves yesterday, Costaatt subsequently amended the notification memo, which was apparently sent prematurely by Costaatt.
A clarification was posted on Costaatt’s social media page said the message only applied to students who still had not yet applied for Gate funding for the periods in question. In the updated correspondence, the institution said it urges students on a “regular basis” to get up-to-date with their Gate applications, adding “many have not as yet attempted to apply for past academic sessions.”
GML understands the notification was sent to students after correspondence from the Gate office was issued indicating that students who were not up to date with their applications for past academic years would not be recognised after a certain period.
When GML contacted on the issue yesterday, Costaatt director Gillian Paul did not use the word “error” but admitted the initial email “may not have been explicit enough.”
“It wasn’t a miscommunication. I think when folks read it they did not focus on the word ‘application.’ The fact of the matter is that students are sometimes slow in submitting their request for Gate funding. The college has been working with them and set up its own Gate support centre to get them to process their applications in a timely fashion,” Paul said.
“Sometimes the turnaround from the Gate office might not be as quick as we need it to be. And what actually happened is we received notification from the Gate office that for students who had not yet submitted applications for past periods they would not be entertaining those requests.”
On who issued that notification, Paul said it was the “Funding and Grant Division.”
“We were trying to process the backlog of outstanding funds and we were trying to alert our students that this was a potential risk for them and that they should move very quickly to try and submit their applications for those past periods, and the formulation could have been more explicit about the fact that it was speaking about the students who had not yet submitted their Gate applications for past period and the students read it as all students and all funding owed from that period and that’s what triggered the panic,” Paul said.
She said it was subsequently clarified with the ministry’s permanent secretary and students that this applied to a “restricted group.”
Apology by text
But also contacted last evening, Garcia said he too was baffled over how Costaatt could have issued such a memo.
He said, “I received a text from the director of Costaatt apologising for the error and it has been corrected. It was an unfortunate error.”
Pressed further, the minister said, “I really don’t know and I am finding out exactly what happened.”
Under the new measures for the Gate programme, students will face a means test to determine if they qualify for assistance, what amount they will get, or if they will any at all. Asked when this will take effect, Garcia said: “We have set out the perimeters that would kick in from September 2017.”
He said students would be subjected to a means test and their household income would also be taken into consideration in determining whether they would qualify for Gate or not.
Following are the memos issued by Costaatt over the Gate programme:
First memo:
Dear Students,
Please be advised that the Ministry of Education has informed us (Costaatt), that from August 1st 2017 there will be no payments for GATE applications made for the following academic years:
• 2013-2014
• 2014-2015
• 2015-2016
They have also indicated that from January 1st 2018 there will be no payments for GATE Applications made for the academic year 2016-2017.
Those students who are not in receipt of GATE funding, for the academic years listed above, will be required to settle all tuition fees, using personal funds, before the beginning of the new academic year on August 21st 2017.
Further, queries on the details above may be sent to or call 625-5030 ext 5257/5265.
Updated memo:
Dear Students,
Further to the communication sent to you yesterday, we have received several e-mails seeking clarification on the different status levels of a GATE application. We also take this opportunity to clarify that the message sent below only applies to students who have not as yet made an attempt to apply for GATE funding for the cited periods.
As you are all aware, at every registration period, the College urges students “to get up to date with GATE”. Messages to this effect are sent out quite often but to-date, we note that many students have not as yet attempted to apply for past academic sessions.
Based on correspondence from the GATE office, please note again that if you have not applied for retroactive periods 2014-2016, you will not be allowed to do so after August 1st 2017.
GATE has also committed to reviewing 2013-2014 missed applications and if there are legitimate reasons for the non-application for funding, some consideration will be given to determine if funding is still possible. As the GATE office has indeed been working with us, you are hereby urged to take advantage of the support offered by the Office of the Registrar Costaatt to have all outstanding GATE applications brought up to date before 1st August 2017.