Seventeen motorists will appear in the Chaguanas and San Fernando Magistrates Courts this morning charged with drunk driving. The motorists were held in police exercises co-ordinated by ACP Donald Denoon, in central and south Trinidad on Saturday night. The exercises were conducted along major roadways and near to popular bars and were held in accordance with the Police Service’s continuing efforts to reduce drunk driving and the road fatalities caused by it.
In the first exercise, officers led by Insp Abbott and Sgt Bhagrattee of the Central Division arrested 12 drivers who failed breathalyser tests. They were found to be above T&T legal alcohol limit of 35 microgrammes of alcohol for every 100 millilitres of breath. The drivers were charged with the offence under Section 70 of the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Act, released on station bail and were ordered to appear in court this morning to answer the charges. Meanwhile, Southern Division police conducted a similar exercise on Saturday night, arresting five drivers in San Fernando.