The St Ann’s valley echoed with gunfire yesterday morning as “Big Brent” Miller was shot in broad daylight on the main road, not far from the Diplomatic Centre and the Prime Minister’s official residence. Miller, 38, of Ariapita Road, and another man were in a car on the St Ann’s Road near the Chinese Association when gunmen opened fire on them. A report said around 10.30 am, Miller, a former murder accused, was driving his Navara van out of St Ann’s when a silver Almera pulled up in front of it, so that he had to stop.
Two men got out of the car, dressed in what were described as police uniforms with the words “police” on their chest, and started shooting. Miller was shot three times in the chest, lower back and left arm. He was taken to the Port-of-Spain General Hospital for emergency treatment and is reported to be in a serious condition. The man who was in the van with him was not badly hurt, but was treated for minor cuts caused by shattered glass. The gunmen sped away.
Residents who heard the shooting called the police, who blocked the road and diverted traffic heading out of the valley over Lady Chancellor Hill. The gunmen’s car was later found abandoned nearby at Braemar Road in Cascade. Soon after, a Chinese-made rifle with 30 rounds of 7.62 ammunition and a nine-millimetre gun were also discovered in bushes near Braemar Road. Police impounded the Almera and Miller’s truck, which were checked by the Crime Scene Unit.
At a press conference hours later at Police Administration Building, St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain, Senior Supt Stephen Ramsubhag said police were on a “focus” patrol nearby and heard the gunshots. Members of the Port-of-Spain Divisional Operations Unit, under ASP Kenrick Edwards, ASP Stephen Pustan and Sgt Anselm Knotts, were in the area, he said. ASP Ajith Persad is leading the investigation. “What is commendable is that the officers were on focus patrols and responded immediately,” Ramsubhag said.
“We are asking members of the public, those who are involved in criminal activity, to change their ways. We want them to be part of the change.” Ramsubhag encouraged members of the public to call 555 or Crime Stoppers to help stop the surge in crime.
“We are asking parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, guardians to become role models and work with the education system to engender a high record of honesty and integrity for their fellow men. We are working collectively to target east Port-of-Spain, Sea Lots, John John, Laventille, Beetham, Cayacoo, Canada, Africa,” he said. Ramsubhag said there must be a comprehensive approach to stop crime, noting this would involve assistance from parents, churches, NGOs and schools.