Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar offered apologies to the Emancipation Support Committee (ESC) Thursday for her non-attendance at Emancipation celebrations on August 1 as she treated members to a lavish luncheon and entertainment at the Diplomatic Centre in St Ann’s. The PM’s failure to show at Emancipation celebrations came after the UNC’s crushing defeat in the Chaguanas by-election on July 29 and prompted comments from participants.
“I was there last year and God willing I will be with you next year,” she promised to loud applause. The PM, dressed in full African wear, told the gathering that the spirit of Africa resonates within the heart and soul of T&T. Recalling the July 27, 1990, attempted overthrow of the Government by Jamaal al Muslimeen insurgents, Persad-Bissessar said the event was the greatest challenge to T&T’s democracy since the emancipation of slaves in T&T in 1838.
She said the country’s democracy was truly tested and commended the T&T Defence Force for its successful quelling of the uprising. Minister of Arts and Multiculturalism Dr Lincoln Douglas said people of African descent have been subjected to a programme of cultural invasion by the prevailing powers which degrade and denigrate them and fill them with despair, doubt and self hate. “We come from a place of pain, violence and disenfranchisement,” he said.
Douglas expressed hope in the African youth of the future and emphasised the need for education, spirituality and a good family life. “To recognise God is to recognise Him in every human being and denounce racism and ethnic cleansing. We are saying these things are ungodly.” ESC president Khafra Kambon thanked the Government and Persad-Bissessar and said his organisation had good relations with the Ministry of Tourism.
Kambon said the ESC would like Emancipation celebrations to become a major tourism event. He also congratulated the current head of Caricom, Persad-Bissessar, because of its decision to support the call for reparation for former slaves. Members of the ESC were treated to lunch and entertainment from calypsonian Brother Valentino, the Wasafoli Dance Group and others. The PM had a busy day at the Diplomatic Centre on Thursday, starting with the Cabinet meeting.
After hosting the Emancipation luncheon, she met with environmental activist Dr Wayne Kublalsingh followed by a meeting of the National Security Council. Persad-Bissessar avoided the media but Communications Minister Jamal Mohammed, asked about filling the vacant position of Senate vice-president, said the PM is expected to address that matter in the new parliamentary term. Lyndira Oudit resigned from as Senate vice-president and from the UNC last Monday and joined Jack Warner’s Independent Liberal Party.