A day after Minister of the People and Social Development Dr Glenn Ramadharsingh sued interim leader of the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) Jack Warner for defamation, another government minister has slapped Warner with a lawsuit, again for defamation. A six page pre-action protocol letter sent was sent to Warner yesterday from Larry Lalla and Pamela Elder, SC, attorneys for Local Government and Works and Infrastructure Minister Suruj Rambachan.
Warner has 14 days to respond or face legal action. Rambachan is also demanding an “unqualified apology” on terms to be agreed by Queen’s Counsel. He is also asking Warner not to repeat the allegations or any similar allegations and wants monetary compensation for damages to his reputation. Ramadharsingh, in his pre-action lawsuit, is also seeking “a substantial sum of damages (to be agreed) for the injury to his reputation and the embarrassment and distress caused to him.
The letter said the effects of such defamatory words and statements made “has been, and will be greatly injured in his good name and position, brought into public scandal and disrepute, and held up to the contempt, ridicule and shame with and among relatives, friends, acquaintances, constituents and citizens of T&T.”
Lalla added the defamatory remarks could result in a real possibility that citizens might fail “to vote for, or to vote against,” Rambachan as candidates for public office in the future. Saying Warner made the remarks on the basis of malice, spite and/or ill-will the letter said it was Warner’s intention to discredit Rambachan, a member of the UNC, so as to advance support for his (Warner’s) political party.
The letter also cited a public meeting on May 5, 2013 in the Chaguanas West constituency during which Warner described Rambachan as the “most vindictive” among a “cabal” of ministers against him. Rambachan’s attorney said by Warner’s mere words it was intended that Rambachan was:
• Guilty of an offence or offences contrary to the Prevention of Corruption Act Chapter 11:11.
• Acted in breach of the Integrity in Public Life Act Chapter 22:01.
• Committed acts that are corrupt and/or illegal and/or improper and has thereby engaged in criminality.
• Committed misbehaviour/misfeasance in public office,
• Acted dishonestly and improperly in the exercise of powers vested in him by virtue of the office which he holds and in the performance of his duties in public office.
• Committed acts which are deserving of investigation and censure by the Integrity Commission;
• Is unfit to hold public office and lacks integrity in the discharge of the duties of such office and/or calling.
Ramadharsingh is also demanding an “unqualified apology” on terms to be agreed by Queen’s Counsel.