A Government directive to withdraw former FIFA vice-president and up-coming Chaguanas West by-election candidate Jack Warner’s diplomatic passport could be a well-engineered plan to take him out of the election equation, a legal source is alleging. The diplomatic passport, issued to all Government MPs, gave Warner protective immunity and without it, he is now open to possible extradition by US law-enforcement authorities, the source said.
“Remember Warner’s son, Daryan Warner, has been named as a co-operating witness into an FBI investigation into FIFA corruption.” Warner, at a Chaguanas West meeting, strenuously denied that he or any of his family members is being investigated by US authorities. But the legal source, requesting strict anonymity, insisted, “Without the immunity provided by his diplomatic passport, the US can now request Warner’s extradition.”
He continued,“The timing of the Government’s retrieval of Warner’s diplomatic passport is very opportune and relevant. “It would be a challenge for the Government if he wins the Chaguanas West by-election. It could spell the downfall of the People’s Partnership Government. Other dissatisfied government MPs will want to leave.”
The T&T Guardian contacted the US Embassy, asking if that country put pressure on the T&T Government to retrieve Warner’s passport and if he was under any investigation in the US. It was also asked if Warner could now be nabbed by US marshals. But the US remains tightlipped about the Warner matter. Press specialist Charleen Thomas sent back a release which she said should be viewed as a US Embassy response to the questions.
“As a matter of long standing policy, we are not able to comment on law-enforcement matters or on individual immigration cases. “Any questions related to T&T passports should be directed to the Government of T&T.” Warner resigned as national security minister and Chaguanas West MP amidst widespread calls for him to do so after a damning report on Concacaf during his tenure there.
He was rejected by the Government as a UNC candidate in the July 29 Chaguanas West by-election and has formed his own party, the Independent Liberal Party, to contest the seat. He said on Thursday he received a call from acting Chief Immigration Officer Keith Sampson telling him to immediately surrender his diplomatic passport. Acting Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal said the ministry asked the National Security Ministry to assist with retrieving it.
Moonilal, in a newspaper interview, said the passport is the property of the Government of T&T and must be returned when a minister no longer holds office. The Guardian called Attorney General Anand Ramlogan for a response on the matter but he said he does not issue passports, and to check with the Foreign Affairs Ministry.
Lisa Daniel-Charles, communications officer at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, said there was no information there about the US putting pressure on the Government to retrieve Warner’s passport. The Guardian tried National Security Minister Emmanuel George, under whose ministry the Immigration Division falls, but he referred the matter back to the Foreign Affairs Ministry.
Told that some are of the view that the retrieval of Warner’s passport is a plan to remove him from the Chaguanas West by-election equation, he replied, “Let them say that. “People are saying all sorts of things.” Pressed on the Warner issue, George said, “I don’t know. Don’t ask me. You are asking me things I am not familiar with.”
Panday’s Response
Former prime minister Basdeo Panday, asked his views on the handing back of diplomatic passports, said it is the government that can determine who has one and who does not. Giving his own experience, Panday said, “When I ceased to be a member of Cabinet, I handed up my diplomatic passport. And I also gave it up when I was no longer prime minister or leader of the opposition.
“I went on blue (passports for ordinary citizens). And when that expired, I applied through the Parliament and was told I am entitled (as a former prime minister) to a diplomatic passport. “Yes, I have a diplomatic passport. It’s stamped ‘former prime minister.’” Panday said the government, after you have given up your diplomatic passport, can decide if to allow you to have one again. He said he was unaware the US wanted Warner for an investigation or is seeking to extradite him.
Panday, who was ousted as leader of the UNC by Persad-Bissessar, said he has no doubt, however, that the timing of the retrieval of Warner’s passport has to do with “the present political struggles and the upcoming local government elections.”