Friday, July 5, 2013
In response to the lack of any real people-driven policies being proposed or even competing political ideologies outside of the ethnic grab-and-share being suggested, civil society should avoid this overtly partisan march carded for today and instead have its own and separate march sometime in the future so as to at least indicate, if not outline, the issues that are important to the people of this nation apart from and outside of the shadow of naked political interests. There is also a need to demonstrate the people’s rejection of limiting tribal politics and the winner-take-all posture currently allowed by this country’s lack of procurement legislation, treasury protection and campaign finance controls, and to have proper governing legislation put in place to protect the country’s treasure from the unscrupulous.
But this cannot be accomplished through simply supporting whichever of the two sides of the PNMSJ and UNCOP coin is in opposition at the time. The unions ought to be steering clear of both the traditional parties as their constant involvement in that inter-party bacchanal seems to be diluting their own reasons for being. Is it that their own political vehicle—the MSJ—is incapable of enunciating workers’ political positions, intentions and aspirations adequately? Or is this simply a case of attempting to negotiate for short cuts in the bargaining process up front?
And if yes, pray tell, what is the difference between that and the same self-serving behaviour of the party financiers/investors? Civil society has a much greater role to play in the shaping of the society we want, but that will not be accomplished through tagging on to every marching band that passes by. What we ought to be doing instead is to call for an organising of all civil society and all special interest groups to be formed into something like an interim steering committee so as to identify, negotiate and align the divergent interests with a view to preparing a working document to present to Government and Opposition outlining the will of the people. And, based on their response to those demands, we may then be in a much better position to judge if the population as a whole do in fact have reasons to march.
Phillip Edward Alexander
The Citizen’s Union of T&T
The Citizen’s Union of T&T