Former national security minister Jack Warner is contemplating his next political move. Warner said there are three options before him—to bow out gracefully from politics, go up as an independent candidate for the July 29 Chaguanas West by-election or form a new political party. He is expected to announce his next move on Friday during a public meeting at Pierre Road Recreation Ground in Felicity. Based on his decision, Warner said politics in T&T will take on a “new dimension.”
Warner insisted that his fight is not with Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, but the cabal in the UNC, of which the PM is a prisoner. “She (PM) said three men threw down the government of Panday, today, four men will thrown down her Government, mark my words.” Following Friday’s announcement by Persad-Bissessar in Peppersauce Village, Endeavour, that Khadijah Ameen was given the nod to contest the seat, Warner said he hadå three choices.
“Whether I go up or not, that’s a possibility. I could go up, I could not go up, I could have a political party, I could do any one of three things.” He said he held no animosity towards Ameen and wished her the best on poll day. However, yesterday Warner side-stepped questions about the possible formation of a party and its name.
“I have nothing to say on that.” He promised to reveal “all” when he addresses the public on Friday. Warner also intends to raise the issue about the delayed election for the leadership position of the UNC, which should have been held six months ago. “This is the same thing she (the Prime Minister) cussed Basdeo Panday about.”
Asked if certain government ministers were fearful of him, Warner replied, “I don’t know. She (PM) brought down a posse of people in Felicity a while ago. None of them were from Felicity. You call her and ask her. She has Moonilal, Coudray, she has everybody there except people from Felicity.” Questioned if the decision by the PM to select Ameen was a slap to his face Warner replied, “No. It was not a slap in my face, it was a slap possibly for the Government or for the UNC.”
Warner said the cabal that exists in the Government will lead the PP out of office “if we don’t nip it in the bud.” He said many people were of the view that the Government will not make its full five-year term in office. “Let the people decide. It is up to the people.”