Two mobile service stations will be provided for north coast fishermen and $79 million will be pumped into upgrading the facilities at Maracas Beach. Tourism Minister Gerald Hadeed made the announcement at the Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development’s national consultation on the development of the North Coast Growth Pole at the Maracas Bay Community Centre, Savannah Road, Grande Fond, Maracas Bay, yesterday.
Hadeed said, “Most importantly, what the people of the north coast need the most for sustainable living and the fishermen in particular is to have easier access to petroleum products for their boats. “In conjunction with the Ministry of Energy and National Petroleum they are going to put into La Fillette and Matelot two mobile service stations so the fishermen can have access at the waterfront for their boats.
“It will also assist them with fuel for their cars close to their homes so they won't have to travel too far. “NP will have the mobile stations within six to seven months. I can't give a cost, but it's not very expensive.” He said the Maracas Beach upgrade will start in January 2015, everything was almost in place, and the contract was being tendered at present.
Hadeed said all aspects of Maracas Bay will improve tremendously at a cost of $79 million compared to the former PNM administration’s $237 million for the same project. He said a new road will be designed to go around the car park and come out further down by the gas station to reduce the traffic jams on a weekend. Hadeed said a total upgrade of the car park, sewer system, amenities, and planting sea grape trees and coconut palms to make it a green area were in the pipeline.
He added that security will also be beefed up with the implementation of beach patrols at most of the beaches in T&T beginning with Tobago. Also at the table were Planning Minister Dr Bhoendradatt Tewarie, Chairman of the Economic Development Board (EDB) Richard Young and EDB Executive Director Dr Rikhi Permanand.