San Fernando Magistrate Margaret Alert sentenced a man to two months’ imprisonment for indecent exposure yesterday, saying it was “a bit disturbing” that that was the maximum penalty. She made the comment as she sentenced Marabella resident Felix McMillan, who exposed himself while travelling in a taxi in which a policewoman was also a passenger. Describing his actions as “very disgusting,” she said the penalty should be “more like 20 years.”
McMillan, the 56-year-old father of three daughters, pleaded guilty to the charge that at Gulf View Link Road, La Romaine, a public place, he wilfully and obscenely exposed his person. Police prosecutor Sgt Veano Ragoo said around 6.35 pm on Friday WPC Keisha Cruickshank was travelling in a taxi. When it reached near Gulf City Mall, he said, Cruickshank saw McMillan unzip his pants, expose and touch himself.
When Cruickshank identified herself and cautioned him, he said, “I did not mean for it to happen.” McMillan, a sign painter, told the magistrate he was intoxicated, but she told him not to hide behind alcohol. She noted he had 13 previous convictions, including one for a similar offence in the Siparia Court in 2006 and also a pending case for grievous sexual assault. McMillan claimed he was found ot guilty on the latter charge. The magistrate said, “It is clear that the penalty outlined by the law is insufficient for you to walk on the straight and narrow path. I am a bit disturbed that the maximum penalty for this offence is two months, it should be more like 20 years. It is very disgusting for someone to take public transport to find themselves subjected to this type of behaviour.”