A glowing tribute from an unexpected source. When People’s National Movement (PNM) political leader Dr Keith Rowley got up to speak on Saturday night at a dinner and dance held for former prime minister Patrick Manning, few would have expected him to use the occasion as he did, to attribute his own success to Manning. The two have history. In 2008, Rowley was fired as minister of planning, housing and the environment following a spat with Manning.
During a then post cabinet press conference, Manning said he fired Rowley after he displayed unacceptable ‘hooligan behaviour’ at a meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee of Cabinet. Rowley, however, said he was fired because of issues he raised over a lack of Cabinet supervision over UDeCOTT’s billion-dollar projects. But on Saturday night, Rowley spoke of Manning as if their turbulent history was ancient history.
“Had I not met Patrick Manning my life would have been different. Easier I am sure, but different,” Rowley told the audience. “Politics is about pressure and heat in the kitchen and it is true, but had I not met Patrick Manning, what might I have been? I am sure I would have been worse off ...” Comparing Manning to T&T’s first prime minister, Dr Eric Williams, Rowley said many nations were yet to find a leader of Manning’s quality.
“Trinidad and Tobago has been extremely fortunate to have had the PNM as an organisation and the dedicated leadership of Patrick Manning.” Rowley also commended members of the San Fernando East constituency for hosting the function, saying that it was good that they honoured Manning while he was still alive. Former public utilities minister Mustapha Abdul Hamid said the People's Partnership Government was now able to spend a $60.3 billion budget because of Manning’s Vision 20/20.