Ramlal Matadeen was so excited about his son’s upcoming wedding that he spent Friday evening delivering invitations for the November nuptials. However, those plans are now in limbo after the 52-year-old Princes Town taxi driver was killed and his 71-year-old father, Rampersad, critically injured in a car crash on the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway near Gasparillo. Matadeen’s father has not yet been told of his son’s death.
Police said the accident occurred at around 8.30 pm. A 27-year-old man was driving a Ford Fielder south along the highway when he blacked out and lost control of the vehicle which spun around and ended up facing north on the southbound lane. The vehicle collided head-on with Matadeen’s Nissan Almera. Matadeen was killed on the spot. Matadeen’s father, who sustained head injuries, a broken collar bone and broken ribs, was taken to the San Fernando General Hospital where he remains warded.
At Matadeen’s home yesterday, some of his relatives were constructing a tent for his wake, while others comforted his wife and children. Matadeen’s youngest son, Adesh, 22, who is supposed to get married on November 22, said the family was still in shock and he was uncertain about his wedding. “Right now we are unsure. He was looking forward to it, he was excited,” Adesh said.
He said his father and grandfather had gone to Chaguanas to deliver wedding invitations. Shortly after 8 pm, he called his father who told him he was on his way home from Chaguanas. “When we see 9 o’clock we call him back and did not get any answer. We keep calling his cellphone,” Adesh said. Shortly after 11 pm, district medical officer Dr Keith Silochan, a family friend and neighbour, called the Matadeen home and told them about the accident.
“He went on the scene. He recognised my dad and my grandfather and called us,” Adesh said. An autopsy will be done tomorrow. Investigations into the accident are continuing.