Jack Warner believes “bullies” will descend upon Chaguanas West to frighten people away from voting for him in the constituency’s forthcoming by-election. However, he says he’s ready for the fight. “I am told all the heavy guns will come down in Chaguanas West. I’m told all the bullies will come into Chaguanas West to draw people away. “But I will remain unfazed because for me it’s que sera, sera. What will be will be,” Warner said after touring the newly-constructed $61 million Tarouba Link Road on Thursday.
Constitutionally due on or before August 10, the by-election is expected to be hotly contested by Warner, who has already started motorcar rallies and public meetings. Warner said he was also not surprised by the ongoing feud between him and his political colleagues. He said he did not expect an invitation to the opening of the Tarouba Link Road.
“They print a booklet of 32 pages, and Jack Warner did nothing for three years,” he said. “Not a single thing mentioned about Jack Warner; not a project on school hill, Couva interchange, roads, bridges, nine police stations, nothing!” Since the partnership was not inviting him to anything, Warner said he had decided to visit the projects himself. He said he was impressed by the scope of works in Tarouba.
Told that cracks were already appearing on the walls alongside the roadway, Warner said the cracks would level out after it settled, and posed no risk to the structure. “I am absolutely pleased and in fact I intend to go throughout the country to those areas where I have done some work, where I have started or completed, and to say thanks to the workers and to the people there and to the contractors,” Warner declared.
He also denied the statement of UNC chief election officer Ramona Ramdial that there were 39 party groups in Chaguanas West. “I want to correct you, there are 31 party groups and not 39, so her numbers are skewed somewhat,” he said. “All 31 party groups have nominated me. If they were to invent 12 more or create 12 more they can do that, I have no problem.”
However, he issued a warning to anyone who dared to run against him. “Anybody who wants to tarnish his or her political career by coming to take part in the campaign at Chaguanas West against me they can do that, I have no problem with that.” He said he had fulfilled all the requirements for nomination but would continue to keep his options open. Warner also said under his tenure as national security minister, crime went down by 35 per cent, but he could not say why crime figures were increasing since his departure from office.