A Chaguanas welder who went out with friends on the Eid-ul-Fitr holiday on Tuesday and was shot about the body died at the Eric Williams Medical Complex one day later. According to police reports, 39-year-old Merril Diaz who lived at Munroe Road and Enterprise, Chaguanas, was found with bullet wounds about his body by residents of Freedom Road, St Augustine, around 11.10 pm. Diaz was taken to the hospital where he was treated and died the following day.
Speaking with the media outside the Forensic Science Centre, St James, yesterday a female relative said he left his home around 10 am on the holiday and did not return. The woman said it was not like him to stay out all day and only telephoned during the day to say he was going out with a friend. The next call the family received was from police telling them that he was murdered. Diaz’s killing takes the murder toll to 254 according to a T&T Guardian tally. For the same period last year there were 213 murders.