Life Sport deputy director Ruth Marchan is in police protective custody. The T&T Guardian understands that Marchan was removed from the safe house provided by Independent Liberal Party (ILP) chairman Jack Warner last week and placed in a police safe house under witness protection. Marchan, the deputy director of physical education and sport, shot into the limelight last month when she pleaded for protection after her privately hired bodyguard, Curtis “Tallman” Gibson, was shot and killed in his bed at his Malabar home.
She also said she had been receiving death threats and sought Warner’s intervention. He placed her in a safe house and provided her with private security for her protection. Contacted yesterday Warner confirmed that Marchan was no longer at the safe house he provided for her. He said she was under police protection. He added: “She is safe. She is still in a safe house protected by the police. I have not spoken to her in a couple of days now so I do not know (how she is doing).
“I have been told by her friends that calls to her cellphone have not been answered. I myself have not called her nor has she called me in the last two three days so I do not know. “I am not concerned. At the end of the day I have done what I had to do, if at this stage, it has gone to that level then fine.” Warner said he remained confident she was well protected from those who might wish to harm her.
He added: “I know that she is under serious police protection, I know that for a fact. I know she cannot go anywhere at all unless she has escort as well. “That is a service I cannot provide. If it is being provided by the police then fine and if the police do not think they should ask me or me,” Warner said. He said to date the police have not contacted him in their investigation into Marchan’s claims or the allegations of corruption under the Life Sport programme.
Marchan had provided Warner with her laptop computer that contained details of the murder plot against her. This information, Warner said, was no longer in his possession.
Griffith responds
National Security Minister Gary Griffith says the internal audit of the controversial Life Sport programme is still in the hands of Finance Minister Larry Howai. Griffith, speaking briefly with the T&T Guardian in a telephone interview yesterday, said he was yet to receive a preliminary report on the audit of the contentious programme. “The audit is still in the hands of the Minister of Finance. “All the information I have received I have forwarded to him.
“The ball is in his court for the time being. No interim or preliminary reports have been provided to me yet,” he added. Griffith also declined to comment on Marchan being placed in protective custody. “It would be totally irresponsible of me as Minister of National Security to tell you if someone has been moved to a safe house, which is witness protection.” he said.
Questions were raised about Life Sport after allegations surfaced that criminal elements were benefitting from the programme. Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar removed the programme from the Sport Ministry and reassigned it to National Security Ministry.
It has since been suspended.