A labourer employed with the Tobago House of Assembly’s Division of Infrastructure and Public Utilities was electrocuted on the division’s Shaw Park compound yesterday. According to reports, Tyrone Crawford, 34, was standing with his hand touching the wing mirror of a dump truck while the driver, who was sitting in the cab, was raising the truck’s tray for it to be cleaned for the day’s work.
The tray came into contact with an overhead electrical ground wire and Crawford was electrocuted. He received burns all over his body and was assisted by his colleagues, who summoned an EHS ambulance. Crawford was taken to the Scarborough General Hospital at Signal Hill, but was pronounced dead on arrival. Crawford friend and eyewitness Keith Sandy said the incident could have been avoided, since many calls were made to T&TEC over the years to relocate the wires
“This is a work yard, we asking them years now. I tired wrap up in that wire and I always try to avoid it … now look at all of them, everyone in their white helmet and yellow vehicle here. The man died, could they bring him back? Why is now they want to move the pole?” he said Assistant Secretary in the Division of Infrastructure and Public Utilities, Handel Beckles, told the T&T Guardian an investigation has been launched and counselling is being provided to Crawford's family.
“I just to want extend condolences to the Crawford family. It was tragic to walk in to that kind of thing,” he said. Crawford was a father of two and was employed at the DIPU as a lorry loader for the past 12 years. Officials from the DIPU are to meet with his family to discuss assistance with funeral arrangements. Scarborough police, T&TEC and DIPU are continuing investigations.