The Prime Minister has tried to exculpate Sport Minister Anil Roberts, says People’s National Movement (PNM) PRO Faris Al-Rawi. He made the comment moments after the PM announced that she was taking no action against Roberts in the now controversial ganja video matter. He said: ”After nearly four weeks of public consternation exacerbated by the failure of Anil Roberts to confirm or deny he’s the person in what has been described as the ‘ganjagate’ video, the Prime Minister now seeks to exculpate Mr Roberts. “Certainly I’m not surprised by her position in so far as it must be a very frightening prospect for the Prime Minister as the head of a decaying Government, to come to grips with the prospect of watching member number 20 of the PP fall.
“This is all the moreso a dreadful prospect in light of the revelations of the reputed rat infestation gripping the PP. “The court of public opinion will certainly have a decision to make when general election is held.”
Al-Rawi said the PNM is also now awaiting the PM’s explanation between the National Security Minister’s concerns over the Life Sport programme and the Sport Minister’s denials on that.
The Congress of the People’s leadership last week suspended Roberts over his failure to co-operate with a probing team on the video. Contacted on the PM’s decision last night, COP leader Prakash Ramadhar’s assistant said he was unavailable. He didn’t return calls on the issue. COP leadership contender Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan, meanwhile, asked to see the PM’s statement then didn’t answer calls after. When T&T Guardian called again, her assistant said she was addressing a cottage meeting in Sangre Grande and was not available. Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) leader David Abdulah said: “The court of public opinion is very clear and has determined Mr Roberts should not hold public office on the basis of the Life Sport issue and as well a clear inference conveyed on the video clip. The Prime Minister will be judged in the court of public opinions. Independent Liberal Party (ILP) founder Jack Warner said: “The Prime Minister has insulted T&T once again. I think as a consequence she will pay a deep price for it. She has copped out on the COP Minister.”