Legislators are expected to debate a bill to enhance border control when the Senate meets at 1.30 this afternoon. Finance and the Economy Minister Larry Howai will present the Customs Amendment Bill, which seeks to enhance border security by providing advance passenger and cargo information to the Comptroller of Customs.
Before that, he will also table the National Insurance (Contribution) (Amendment) Regulations 2013. Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan is listed to table the Emergency Ambulance Services and Emergency Medical Personnel Regulations 2013. Trade Minister Vasant Bharath is expected to answer a question on the Order Paper relating to the food import bills for the years 2008-2012. That question is being asked by Opposition Senator Pennelope Beckles.
Khan is also expected to answer a question by Opposition Senator Fitzgerald Hinds, who wants to know the amount of money in the Children’s Life Fund as at the end of last year; the number of children who have benefitted; the single largest donation, and the source. There is also a question for written response about the Boxing Board of Control that has remained unanswered for almost six months.