Congress of the People (COP) chairman Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan will support former party leader Winston Dookeran if he decides to challenge the party’s current leader Prakash Ramadhar. Seepersad-Bachan is not alone. Yesterday, another five members of the COP, including former members of the party’s national executive, called on Dookeran to reclaim the reins of the COP.
The five—Robert Mayers, Patrick Watson, Vernon de Lima, Wendy Lee Yuen and Hulsie Bhaggan—issued a media release calling for Dookeran to participate in the upcoming internal elections. The release comes just as current political leader Prakash Ramadhar announced his intention to recontest his position. “In our view, Mr Dookeran’s return as political leader will allow the party to reassert itself on the political landscape,” the endorsement letter stated.
“Mr Dookeran has a proven track record of selfless and untainted leadership, both prior to and following the formation of the COP. He is one of the most highly regarded and trusted politicians of our time,” they said. The five senior party members said that should Dookeran return, he would have their support. (RS)