It was a packed church yesterday for the funeral service of slain mother of two Sylvia Candice Douglas-Mohammed who was killed last Sunday (Mother’s Day). Family, friends and classmates of Douglas-Mohammed’s sons packed the St Charles RC Church, Tunapuna, to pay their final respects. Douglas-Mohammed was stabbed 17 times about her neck, back, chest and arms by her attacker who police believed was well known to her as there were no signs of forced entry and no valuables were missing.
The 34-year-old was found dead at her Rattan Street, Kelly Village, Caroni, home by her brother around 3 pm. She was last seen alive around 6.30 am on Sunday. During the eulogy Barry Alleyne described his cousin as a happy person who would have wanted the family to remember her life rather than her death. “Let’s not dwell on our significant loss but instead focus on paying tribute to Sylvia’s remarkable life. She was successful in anything she did and was there whenever we needed her,” Alleyne said.
At the end of the service a short video presentation of photos of Douglas-Mohammed throughout her life as a child and as an employee at the Unit Trust Corporation for the past ten years was shown with Micheal Jackson’s Gone Too Soon playing in the background.