Funeral arrangements are still being finalised for former Police Commissioner Noor Kenny Mohammed who died on Saturday afternoon. Mohammed was hospitalised after suffering a stroke at his La Florissante, D’Abadie, home in January 2012, a close friend said yesterday. He is survived by his five children. His wife, who operated a sewing shop in Woodbrook, died a few years ago from cancer.
The death of the former top cop shocked many of his colleagues, the friend said. Mohammed, who served as police commissioner from 1996 to 1998, was the founder of the community policing unit. He would have celebrated his 76th birthday on June 14. In January 2012, thieves broke into Mohammed’s home and stole a quantity of items, including a safe containing his licensed Sig Sauer firearm and 23 rounds of ammunition.
Deputy Police Commissioner Mervyn Richardson described Mohammed as “an outstanding officer” who began his career in the eastern division. Mohammed is expected to be buried in Sangre Grande.