Citizens should not squander the rich legacy of slain Senior Counsel Dana Seetahal and should maintain her high standards of excellence in service to country, says deputy Speaker Nela Khan. “That way, when our time comes, we too will hear from all corners of this country, ‘Well done, dear citizen,’” Khan added speaking at yesterday’s Parliament session.
Khan and the Lower House paid tribute to Seetahal, who was a member of the Upper House of Parliament from 2007 to 2010. Seetahal was murdered at 12.05 am last Sunday en route to her Woodbrook home. She was ambushed by gunmen who shot her five times. Yesterday Khan said: “This country has tragically lost a former senator, an outstanding legal practitioner, a mentor and friend to many. We have lost an exceptional civil servant and a committed citizen, a breed of which is so rare today.”
Khan added: “However, the lesson that her life has taught us is a composite one of hope and aspiration, love and civility, which were all virtues of an existence also characterised by duty, diligence, morality, strength, integrity and perseverance. “Dana Seetahal has indeed left us all a rich legacy. All citizens, whether young or old, must not squander this legacy. We cannot allow Dana’s untimely demise to have been in vain.
“We must each engage in genuine introspection and make the needed adjustments to ensure that we maintain her high standards of excellence in service to country,” she added.