With their hands stretched out as if they were about to take off, pupils of the Princes Town Methodist Primary School ran out their classrooms yesterday, overjoyed at completing their Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA). “Relieved, freedom, happy,” were some of the emotions pupils in south Trinidad expressed yesterday as they were embraced by their parents. Not even the problems many of them admitted facing on the grammar component of the examinations could deter their joy.
Elijah Strong, a US citizen, who only started school at the Princes Town school last year, said: “It was easy but the comprehension at the end got difficult. The way they constructed the questions, that was pretty much it. I am not so good with maths but they made the test easier for me because of all the mock tests before.” His classmate, Meiku Reid, said he had minor difficulties in section three in the mathematics but, he said, the comprehension part was more difficult.