T&T will have its first Diplomatic Academy from next month, Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Dookeran has announced. He told Sunday Guardian it is being established in conjunction with the Institute for International Relations at the University of the West Indies (UWI).
The minister, who described the academy as a tribute to the work, efforts and accomplishments this country’s finest diplomats, added: “It is therefore an opportunity to bring about awareness of the practice of diplomacy. The practice of diplomacy is where the focus will now be. In that sense, the Diplomatic Academy here in T&T will be formally opened on May 6.” Dookeran said discussions had been taking place over the last year about establishment of the Diplomatic Academy to T&T and the Caribbean.
“It is an academy that is predicated on two departure points—diplomacy is not only a matter for diplomats; diplomacy is a matter for leaders in the field of business or labour. Negotiations are part of the new world in which we live and therefore the Diplomatic Academy is going to embrace a new form of training for diplomatic leaders in our community and in the Caribbean community.”
He said students would participate in distance learning classes with lecturers from different parts of the world. In addition, he said international students would be accessing courses without leaving their respective territories. The minister said athough T&T was an infant in the world of foreign relations when compared to countries such as the United States and Germany, members of this country’s foreign service played a pivotal role in making the world a safer place.
“As the new kid on the block with respect to foreign relations I have had the opportunity to hear what others have said about the discharge of foreign policy and diplomacy in T&T,” Dookeran said. “I’ve always felt a sense of pride as a citizen of this country to have heard such glowing reports about T&T’s stance on almost every issue that we face. It has come to be respected as one that is anchored in impartiality, but at the same time, one that is inspired by a search for a new kind of humanity in the resolution of conflicts.
“Within recent times we have looked at ways and means to ensure that citizens of this country can be heard in international organisations. We have been able, within recent times, to be quite successful in the search to establish a presence in international organisations, from the International Criminal Court to which you are well aware that Justice (Geoffrey) Henderson was recently appointed.
“We have heard recently from the United Nations where several of our diplomats have been able to be accorded high status in the conduct of international affairs. In Haiti, Ambassador Sandra Honore is there as a symbol of T&T as she is being called upon by the General Secretary to serve in the stabilisation attempts in Haiti.”
Ambassador Rodney Charles, this country’s diplomatic representative to the UN, has also been appointed vice-president of the General Assembly. Dookeran is convinced that this did not happen overnight, but was a direct result of the foundation laid down forerunners in the foreign service.