Vasant Bharath’s gloves are off. Government senator Bharath says he has no intention of apologising publicly to PNM Senator Camille Robinson-Regis and he had raised the issue of wig and fertility drug treatments concerning her in the Senate on Tuesday, not as personal attack but to highlight things that occurred in the PNM Government without action being taken. Communication Minister Bharath spoke yesterday about the clash between himself and Robinson-Regis in the Senate on Tuesday in which remarks about the wig and fertility treatment issues arose.
Robinson-Regis in her subsequent contribution noted Bharath had later sent her a note of apology which she read into the record since she said she did not get a public apology from him. She had gone on to take a turn after him on “dog rice” and alleged Porsche issues. Robinson-Regis later told the T&T Guardian she was not satisfied with Bharath’s written apology and wanted to know why he had not stated it boldly and loudly as he did his accusations. Yesterday Bharath said: “I sent her a note of apology as my intention was not to hurt her personally but to bring to the fore the fact that there have been many infractions by previous PNM governments that passed without action being taken.
“That had to be put in the context of what happens under the PP Government where Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has courageously taken decisions in the public interest on governance issues. “I wasn’t apologising as I felt it was incorrect of me to have brought up the issue of her wig and fertility treatment. “That’s a matter of public record and she knows it. My apology was at a humane level to state it was not meant personally or to upset or hurt her but we can no longer allow spurious allegations to be thrown at Government in the hope some will stick. The gloves are now off.” Bharath also said he made his statements since Robinson-Regis was reported to have made allegations earlier in the week about various ministers, including him.