Businesswoman Sacha Singh, who is embroiled in assault allegations against her former boyfriend, MP Chandresh Sharma, got a $60,000 contract to clean windows at state-owned National Petroleum (NP) long before she met Sharma. Singh told the T&T Guardian she landed the job late in 2011 and she met Sharma in January 2013. “NP’s records would show that Affordable Window Wash Ltd cleaned their windows during 2011 and 2012.”
Singh’s “high-rise residential and commercial glass cleaning company” is based on Murray Street, Woodbrook. Asked how she got the contract, Singh, 30 a former Miss T&T/India, said it was advertised in the newspapers and her company tendered and sent in a quotation. She said it was “not even a contract, it was a one-time clean.”
She said her company cleaned NP’s windows from 2011 to 2012, beginning in October 2011, and payments would have come in early in 2012. Singh said all her companies are above board and that was why she went public with the Sharma issue. “I knew they would have put my companies under forensic analysis.” She said politicians should get their facts straight and focus on dealing with the nation’s business. Everyone was veering away from the real matter, the assault charge she brought against Sharma, she added.
Singh made the disclosures to the T&T Guardian yesterday evening shortly after Opposition MP Terrence Deyalsingh told the Lower House, “Sacha Singh has a contract to clean glass at NP.” He did not say explicitly whether this was the Sacha Singh involved in the Sharma matter.
“NP is once again embroiled (in corruption). Today we are hearing Sacha Singh has a contract to clean glass at NP. NP has become one of the most corrupt state-owned enterprises,” he said. “Who is Sacha Singh? And what glass is she accustomed cleaning?” Singh reported to the police that Sharma, former tourism minister, assaulted her in the carpark of Grand Bazaar on March 12. After mounting public pressure, Sharma, who is married with four children, resigned.
Singh has been receiving negative feedback for going public about her affair with a married man. Semi-nude pictures of her have been circulating on the Internet and she called on the Prime Minister to intervene to stop what she said was a smear campaign from the UNC camp.