Former ministers Chandresh Sharma and Glenn Ramadharsingh will be allocated the last two seats at the end of the government backbench, behind PNM MPs, say government sources.
House leader Roodal Moonilal, asked about the seating arrangements yesterday, confirmed Sharma will be next to Ramadharsingh. Ramadharsingh, who sat behind the government front row when he was a minister, was shifted as of last Friday to the backbench behind the Opposition after being dismissed. That followed allegations by a CAL flight attendant that on a flight from Tobago on March 16 he touched her breast in seeking to hold her name ta, and threatened her job.
Ramadharsingh did not attend Parliament last Friday when his name plate was shifted to the last on the furthermost backbench behind the PNM. He replaced another dismissed minister, Collin Partap. Sharma resigned on Monday after allegations by a former companion, now being probed by police. He is being shifted from his seat on the front row. Ramadharsingh is expected to attend Parliament today, sources said. Sharma did not answer calls yesterday. Dinesh Sankersingh, chairman of UNC’s Fyzabad constituency executive, said 140-plus stakeholders of the area met Tuesday on Sharma’s situation.
He said: “The majority are in full support of MP Sharma. An MP isn’t re-elected seven times over 21 years if they are not working. “Facts speak for themselves. He has transformed the area. We see 150 people every Tuesday and operate the office six days weekly. There are never protests from Fyzabad, though you will always have one or two dissenting voices.” “PNM is mistaken to expect this to shake UNC support. The person they are promoting for Fyzabad is not from here, does not live here and is married into a family that supports UNC, so they have no political currency here,” he added. UNC Caroni Central chairman Roopchand Naranjit said constituents were firmly behind Ramadharsingh and their recent call to the Prime Minister to reinstate him.