The new air route of Rutas Aéreas de Venezuela (RAVSA), a private airline flying from the eastern Venezuelan city of Maturin to Piarco, will strengthen relations between T&T and Venezuela, Coromoto Godoy, Venezuelan Ambassador to T&T said. “With this air link, the goal is to strengthen relations with Latin America and the Caribbean”, Godoy said in a statement to the T&T Guardian. On board the inaugural flight last Thursday was Deputy Minister for Air Transport General Asdrúbal Veloz.
Godoy said: “It was the vision of Hugo Chávez and now the contribution of the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro for the member countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Nations (Celac) to be closer not only politically but also geographically. Trinidad and Tobago is our nearest island neighbour, the time has come to work in those areas that unite us for the development of an agenda in favour of the people.”
RAVSA will make a special offer in T&T of two persons on one ticket. It will begin with two flights a week on Sundays and Thursdays and eventually will increase the frequency to four times a week. Venezuela state-owned media AVN said this is part of a plan for Venezuela to open new routes in the Caribbean.