Two Toco Secondary School students have been suspended following yet another fight which went viral on social media websites last week. The girls were suspended yesterday while several other students who were in the class at the time of the brawl, were given other forms of punishment, including writing essays on the incident. School officials apparently only became aware of the incident after the video went viral. The fight saw one student jumping on top of a desk to attack the other before the two threw punches at each other, fall to the ground and continuously roll around while hitting and pulling each other’s hair.
The other students in the class cheered them on during the fight with one male student even urging them to throw punches at each other. It was reported that the two Form Four students had been feuding for months over a boy. Parents of the students involved in the fracas were called to the school for a meeting yesterday and informed of the incident and the punishments for those involved.
However, parents were reportedly upset that the police was not also called to be part of the meeting so that the students would understand the seriousness of the situation. The Ministry of Education is also reportedly probing the incident. This was the second major incident in which students at a school were involved in a fight which was not only taped with a cellphone but posted on social networking sites. The first one occurred at Mucurapo West Secondary earlier this month. Some ten girls were suspended in that incident while the victim of their attack is seeking a transfer.