Minister of Local Government Suruj Rambachan says the land on which a clubhouse is being constructed in Westmoorings belongs to the residents. He was responding to concerns raised by footballers who use the land, which borders the Diego Martin River, for sporting activities. One of the footballers, Michael Escalante, said football players had been using the area, which has been empty except for a few billboards, since 1989.
“The land we use is highway reserve and nothing can be built on it. This is not the first time residents in the area tried to claim the land,” Escalante said. He said there had been a situation last year in which police were called in because residents started to dig on the site without providing proof of ownership. Escalante said less than a month ago, footballers were called into a meeting with Rambachan and told that a jogging track and clubhouse would be built on the site and footballers would be given space for their activities. Construction has already started on the field and a jogging track has been built.
Diego Martin Central MP Dr Amery Browne has also expressed concern over the haste with which the clubhouse is being constructed. He wants Rambachan to explain why the road reserve is being used for construction of a facility, why State resources are being used to build a clubhouse for Westmoorings residents and show the approvals for the building. Last week Rambachan said a meeting had been held with the footballers last November. He also said he had received proof that the residents owned the land and had given approval for a clubhouse to be built. He said the construction would be done by workers in the Unemployment Relief Programme (URP).