Southern areas which have been without pipe-borne water for the past month should see an improvement in the next three to four days since the Water and Sewerage Authority is increasing production, Public Utilities Minister Fitzgerald Hinds said yesterday.
Hinds gave the assurance in the Senate yesterday, replying to queries from Opposition Senator Wayne Sturge on increasing complaints about lack of water in Penal and other southern areas.
There were fiery protests in Moruga and Todds Road, in Central Trinidad on Monday over bad road and infrequent water supply.
Hinds said based on dry season conditions, WASA has taken steps to redistribute available supplies to customers all over T&T.
Production has been increased at Pt Lisas Desalination plant by two million gallons daily, and at other WASA plants in Caroni, South and Tobago by 11.3 million gallons daily. Hinds said this will assist southern and other areas.
“There’ll be an impact on service in the next three to four days in these areas,” he said.
Senate President Christine Kangaloo approved an Opposition request to have the water situation debated as a matter of urgent national importance after Opposition Senator Gerald Ramdeen noted schools and usinesses have had to close early due to lack of supply.