Opposition MP Dr Bhoendradatt Tewarie says Government should not implement the property tax at this time because of prevailing economic conditions. He says the 2009 tax should in fact be repealed and replaced with the Land and Building Taxes, which is more reasonable.
He said that the land and building taxes would generate about $100 to $150 million annually. The Property Tax, as being implemented by the Government, is expected to raise $500 million.
Speaking during a news briefing at the Opposition Room in the Parliament yesterday, Tewarie said the Government does not appear to be ready to implement the Property Tax.
He said questionnaires for citizens to submit certain information had not provided for in the law. As such, he said the Opposition did not understand why this was being done.
“There is nothing (in the law) that says you have to send a picture of your property and all the other things that they are asking for,” he said.
Tewarie said the matter should be approached with caution, especially since the current economic climate had may citizens struggling to make ends meet
“The need for revenue cannot override the human, humane and societal considerations,” Tewarie said.
He confirmed the Opposition will challenge the Government’s plan to implement the Property Tax in Parliament. He said if the Government seeks to do things that are not sanctioned by the law to implement the tax “that can be challenged.”