A patient who ran away from the San Fernando General Hospital yesterday dressed only in a vest and adult diapers, with an IV attached to his arm, was chased through the streets of the city by hospital security guards. The unusual scene was witnessed by several people shortly after 3 pm. The patient kept glancing back at the two guards, a man and woman, who ran after him down Chancery Lane, to King’s Wharf and then onto Quenca Street where he was eventually held.
By then a nurse and a man in plain clothes had joined the chase. The patient’s hands were tied with cloth behind his back and he was taken back to the hospital. Contacted for a comment about the incident, Dr Anand Chatoorgoon, hospital medical director, expressed surprise. “I don’t know about that. I will call the administrator and find out about it,” he said. Subsequent calls to Chatoorgoon’s cellphone went to voicemail.